viernes, 22 de julio de 2011


The truce has not been able to last neither one weekend, today they have returned to the attack the Anglo-Saxon corsairs, and it is that the poor Greece is not the problem of the western, neither so at least economy those of the European economy, the current crisis was born in USA and he won't die until they kill her. The problem is in that the USA cannot kill her without being killed themselves its debt and its economy is sick of cancer and this he has already made metastasis invasive. 

The cure is already impossible they know it and we know it us, the difference this that the European problem is but of economic political disorder that economic pure and hard, we have a laugh debt in comparison with the USA, our debt (area euro) it is equivalent to 85.1% of our PIB. while that of USA is already of 100% of their PIB, besides a deficit of 10% (while that of the euro area is of 6%) it is for these data that it is necessary to understand because S&P, threatens to reduce the qualification of (triple A), to the USA. The only advantage that the USA has regarding our economy is that they are in a growth that prevue ended up to 3%, while the area euro stayed below 2% (1.7/1.9). 

The only solution to the problem of the USA is and it will be to complicate the life to Europe, it is clear the objective the Anglo-Saxon markets, buy debt of the European PIGSI they win of stocking 5% and they pay their own interests with the differential that more or less it will be in 50%, and for this reason Europe already can to make the balances that he wants that while he doesn't have an unit of financial market as that of USA, he always paid the duck, the test of this they have it today, as the solutions to the Greek debt can be good, the Anglo-Saxon tabloid THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE has hurried to change the coordinates. With the only objective that they are don't relax themselves the interests of the European debts.  

The new strategy goes for the following positions: The crisis of European debt coincides now with the crisis of growth. While the European politicians discuss on the possible solution to the problems of debt of Greece, an even bigger problem that he threatens to destabilize has arisen even more to the euro zone: the stagnation of the growth. The economy of the area euro has a plane curve of growth. 

As much the activity manufacturer as the sector services are had stagnation. Germany and France grow to the lowest rhythm in the last two years and the rest of the euro zone has already begun to contract. The expectations that before pointed to that the economy would recover positions in the second half of the year they are now in interdict. The fact that the debt crisis has extended to Italy and Spain means that now it affects to countries that represent 35% of the GDP of the euro zone in front of 5%-6% that Greece, Ireland and Portugal added. 

As they come you the thing won't stop with the solution of the Greek debt, and he won't make it because the Greek debt is not the problem the problem, it is and they are the Anglo-Saxon markets that cannot stop neither a moment, because if they stop of bothering they don't have business neither revenues to make in front of its debt interests, let us no longer say to its debt, so they don't have more remedy than to look for that differential of interests in the debt of the poor, it is already calamity that the PIGSI has to be financing the costs of the debt of the USA. 

Lament diluting the party I don't have the blame, I come it almost saying day after day, Greece is not the problem, the problem it continues being the inefficacy and the weakness of Europe, in front of the speculative movements of the markets of the Anglo-Saxon world, and the real but hidden weakness of the USA. And here in Europe he stays again that to make the same decision, or we make an Europe, or we don't go anywhere although we redeem the Greek doubt. 

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