viernes, 15 de julio de 2011


 CAM, Bank Shepherd, Caja3, Unnim and CatalunyaCaixa are the Spanish entities, of 25 o'clock evaluated that they suspend the tests of solvency to the European banking, although none of them will need contributions of additional capital, according to the published data this Friday for the Bank European Authority (EBA). 

None of these five entities obtains 5% of resources of maximum quality at least (capital core Tier 1) with those that to make in front of a hypothetical adverse macroeconomic scenario during 2011 and 2012, although some include the injection of public capital to which they can consent. 

However, they won't need to capture additional capital, because all they have provisions stored in the time of peacefulness or appreciations by disinvestments, among other concepts. Having all these possibilities, the five entities approve the exam and they give as a result that no Spanish institution requires additional funds. Then because they follow us martyring the markets? Analyzing the report of the EBA has found the explanation in this respect according to the report of the EBA the sample has been made in 90 banks of 21 countries that are considered the essential net of security of the bank market of the Europe of the euro. 

The first surprise is that the Spanish "stressed is" 25, in view of the data it is surprising that 27,7% of the net "stress ante" of Europe this in Spain, and here he gets me the attention two things: A / That are the power number one in banks in Europe, and B / so that we want so many banks. Truth that is an incongruity, looks at it for where you look at it you don't have for where to catch it, it is clear that Spain continues without understanding that it is inside the European Union, (undoubtedly this doesn't have it clear any country of European), because I would say that it continues maintaining the bank structure mini that you originates in our country during the dictatorship. 

Less bad than some boxes they have united because if we didn't pass of 30 entities, that is to say more than a third of all the banks of Europe. Then it misses us that they request us that we clip expenses "mother of the beautiful" love that a Castilian would say I authenticate, it is seen that in Spain between political officials and employees of the banking should be 90% of the work with reason we have so much unemployment. Evidently that we have to restructure the whole country. 

The national disorganization, is evident in almost all the environments that you study: too many communities, too many officials, too many politicians, too many stopped, too many inhabitants, too much BIRD, too many airports, too many railcars free of toll, too many houses empty, too many mortgages, too many crashes, too much centralism, and everything goes equally for that reason our cousin of risk today in spite of the good results of the stress it has returned to maxima and the bag to annual minima.  

It is impossible to continue this way, and I don't say it for what they think the markets that punish us the I say as Spanish, it is that you cannot follow government after government, legislature after legislature, without planning anything, without putting limit to anything, we are a big country but it doesn't stop so much, while we have been the paradise of the real estate traps of all Europe, we have not wanted to give ourselves bill, but that you ends up and now we have left all the dirt of unpaid and debts, some coming from the speculative investments of European countries as Germany and France, and others for our centralist megalomania of being a little the Spain less than imperial, good because now to have who the pay, because the natural thing after today's results, is that the next stress test won't be 5 the suspended banks if not 15 or 20 because in Spain there is not GDP to support 25 bank entities or it is that they don't come it.  

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