viernes, 29 de julio de 2011


Not you but today I sit down in the obligation of explaining a story to the society of united states, to have if they like and they wake up once and for all, mainly the recalcitrant republicans of the tea party. Therefore the story begins. 

At one time very distant in that the earth was populated alone for animals (the man one doesn't have perseverance that exists) these they lived very happy and camped to its wide ones for the whole planet, ate as much as they wanted and some became enormous, would say me, they were the owners of the planet its size and force they made them dominant of the other alive creatures. 

Without realizing one day a strange ball of enormous fire, I collide with the planet earth that is where they lived, and it was so big the blow that the planet suffered that produced a phenomenon in controllable for them, the planet change its rotation axis, the powder that the crash of that mass in controllable took place hidden the sun and it darkened the earth where they inhabited, quickly a glacial era happened and I eat consequence of everything it, the big animals were left without food and all died. Luck that the small and agile animalists could survive and through centuries and centuries they repopulated the earth and they evolved until arriving to the American Man. 

Well the story you ends up, the moral is that the big animals (dinosaurs, mammoths, etc.). they are now the economies of the USA and Europe, and now this man American sapiens, is about to throw a cataclysm of similar consequences that that of the story, this time won't be a rock, it will be about hundred of stupid, important, American politicians that pushing is not known that, they will displace another time the axis of rotation of the earth, this time I don't refer to the physical axis if not to the economic one. 

This will produce the death of the giants equally because they were left without food (you sight) and without sun (you influence and it forces), and this time I don't speak of animals but of the inhabitants of the continents considered cradle of the capitalist democracy. The axis of the economy rotated 180 grades more or less, consequence the North was to dark in the night of the times, and in the South it will leave the sun of the life and the happiness of the consumption and of the progress, this way in some few years, (now the things go more quickly) they will come to our dark world, and they repopulated us once it has passed the powder and the ice of our imbecility. 

The question is serious that it can happen, if it passes that of the since story anything to die and to wait the resurrection, but if it is possible to save the cataclysm that happened, we will continue trusting the USA I would say that not that already voucher that the Europeans would have to change aims and to believe us stronger of that than now we believe ourselves. Let us toss the view behind please, we were us those that we put the USA and not the other way around, we were us those that believe the civil right, the democracy, the trade, the letters of change, the banks, if also the wars, in a word everything, then because we have to die passively, for blame of some in adapted political American sociopaths. 

Go far  of its influence once and for all, is other roads there are other dinosaurs as us with those that to cohabit, without to expose you to that take you to the muddy swamp, where falling is been a little every day but and they drag us bundles of immodest qualifications and cared debts of its subprime. 

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