sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


The Spanish Government, confronts a crisis of trust among the nervous investors and the European governments included the own European commission of course, after admitting on Friday for the night that the public deficit of 2011, was bigger than it that previously had been said by the adjustment of the bills in three autonomies, all them for but gibe governed by the government's party. Spain revised the public deficit from 2011 to 8,9 percent of the GDP, from a previous figure of 8,5 percent of the GDP, a quite superior figure to the original objective of 6 percent, what supposes a setback for the Government's president that there is had accused in good part to the socialists of the inability to control the bills. 

That is an uppercase disaster and he will give a very serious blow to the credibility of Spain. It would not surprise me if we see a new qualitative jump in the cousin of risk on Monday. It is the worst thing that could spend at this time, the yield that Spain pays for the funds to ten years it has not grown until levels seen in the last week this in untenable considered figures, amid the concerns about the bank sector, and the possibility that Greece can it turns forced to leave the area euro, Spain can still receive a bigger punishment on the part of the international markets, maxi me if these they understand that they have wanted to be deceived. 

The Government assured on Friday, after presenting the revised data that the country will fulfill its objectives, but this will be impossible without condemning to the economy to a deeper recession. The Spanish economy has been in recession, or stagnated, since the real estate bubble exploded four years ago and in spite of the forecasts that the GDP will contract 2 percent this year, the Government has applied deep cuttings to fulfill the fiscal objectives fixed by Europe, objectives that are not completing but rather it is enlarged more and more the structural deficit of the state. 

The fiscal politics’ credibility has been made bits, not because the Government is avoiding his responsibilities, but because it is not feasible the fiscal adjustment that is demanding when the economy is in recession, and the government is like a fair shotgun that branding the shot every time that shoots a proposal or an economic measure, Rajoy it has approved measures of austerity for around 45.000 million Eurus to reduce the deficit to 5,3 percent of the GDP this year, and it will be forced to make more cuttings next year to reach an objective of 3 percent of the GDP, figures both that are impossible to get with a GDP in recession, with an unemployment that has an annual cost of 50.000 million Eurus, and with a debt cost to 6% that will surely ascend. 

The deviation of the deficit, inherited of the previous socialist Government that lost in the urns in passed November, the PP insists that it owed himself partly to the expense of the 17 communities that they represent around half of the total of expenses, but this is maybe lie it strains in Europe because they don't understand that it means that of autonomous community, but somebody someday he explained to them that the communities autonomous today, alone they are the government's delegations disguised of governments semi federal i, but that they don't arrive neither to that. What the autonomous communities spend is what the central government gives them, to administer the services that lend to the society, since exception the Basque country and Navarre any but he has own country property. 

The only saving that would mean their suppression, serious in costs of character of personal and some of the madness of their leaders of high political positions and of some thousands of officials, but the first ones should pass to augment the you nominate of the state or of the political parties, and the seconds to the unemployment, with what the expense would continue in the country, from here there are now many opinion currents that adduce the kindness to reconsider the autonomous state, I agree but not so much for what means in saving of costs, like in the biggest administration easiness and control, it is a madness to have a community like Álava with 200 inhabitants with the same complex treatment that Catalonia for example with 7,7 million inhabitants. 

Spain is not well very bad and the government of Rajoy and its party don't know for where to leave, this it is the reality, and they toss the blame to the banks, to the autonomous communities, to the PSOE, to the UE and the BCE, already alone he lacks how he/she made in its day Felipe II to give the blame to the elements.  

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