jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


If the politicians and the politics, they made an effort alone the half in to create and to direct to the society for which live, of what they make an effort to be destroyed among them, the world could be perfect. 

The consequences of this reality can be, in fact already they are it, catastrophic, but the worst thing is still to arrive, it hurts me but I believe that the Spaniards of right or of left, they should not be calm and they should see that the political drift of their respective ones, they can take to Spain to a situation without a peaceful and rational exit, characteristic of democratic and civilized human beings. 

I believe that in these moments, everything and recognizing the general difficulties of the European and Spanish economic situation, we are suffering a situation of political revenge without precedents, the things come from a distance, don't be deceived, the violent and planned manifestations that we live yesterday and that they can be prolonged today, and that they are already being projected to maintain them you live, they are without doubting acts of political revenge, not of student or social recoveries. 

The election of Barcelona to neither develop them is by chance, they have been made here because in these days Barcelona is the window from Spain to the world, by means of the world congress of the mobile "Mobile World Congress 2012" world congress that allows to appear in all the covers of the world, the gratuitous aggressiveness exercised with all the impunity and preparation by elements for it prepared. 

I ignore if the world will understand this way it, or what sees the he will see as indicative of the in civilization of the Spanish society, that that still today in many places of the world, it supposes it to him that it is limited to take the sun, to see bulls, to make the nap, and when they are requested work and sacrifice, they respond to the wild style characteristic of the uncultured and oppressed societies to the maximum. 

Be like be, the wrong is in total effervescence, and the culprits there is no doubt, they are the politicians and its followers are already of right as of left that nobody takes off the blames of above, because the situation is consequence like he said before, of the revenges of bills slopes. It is certain that the excuse is the economy, but the situation of extreme violence doesn't seem logical, because the economy is bad for two years at least that happens now it can be that that, so much goes the pitcher to the source that breaks at the end. It is not that I insist, they are some maneuvers perfectly measures in the time the occasion and the opportunity. 

The problem that is added to this situation is very complex, and he gives me a lot that to think, they will see I am sure as I believe that most of the Spaniards that the student and union street movements, they are promoted and planned by the political left including to the labor unions, but the fierceness with which they are developed it is not so characteristic of the left, it is but characteristic of the extreme right, and I worry about this, because not you to the one who to toss the blame, they will see although it seems like I believe that the situation exploits it both political tendencies, because it is good to both for its political purposes perfectly. 

I suppose that it is easy to understand that the Spanish socialist left, this looking for the way to get up after the bump that the elections treat them, the only way that they have or they understand, it is to hurry the more quickly better the social dissatisfaction that the economic measures that completely well-known ahead of time they would have to apply the winning right, they would cause in the daily life of the Spanish common society, and oh if they have gone quickly, in less than two months, almost we are in fight situation to already try to overthrow to the new government, neither the a hundred days of courtesy neither anything of anything, the society to the street in 45 days, him but indecent of the case it is that the problems for that that those of left and the unions toss to the society to the fight, it is blame of them of the politics exercised by the socialists during the disastrous eight years that have governed Spain.   

But because they can justify this rage, and this to burn the ships before time, because the right is tremendously cavalier and selfish, and he has rushed stupidly to open tomb to make the things wrong, and hastily, acting with the philosophy characteristic of the right. "Now control me and you will see useless", or not very more or less, and they have rushed without waiting to know the true national situation, to dictate erroneous measures that it doesn't work neither a, and that in single sixty days they have caused the biggest wrong to be that never a recently elected government, have caused to their society.  

The right doesn't also listen, and this time with most absolute less, so I repeat he has rushed to tomb open to for all, so much so that not even its natural world, the economy, the banking, the wealthy ones and Spanish magnates, they continue them. I believe sincerely that they have scared them and they have retired to see them come while the situation of the Spanish economy is unbalanced more than the bill, with what the ammunition for the socialist revolts is served. 

But the right won't give its arm to twist, undoubtedly the left neither, so the fight now is centered in the street and in the same manifestations, those of lefts go this way as lambs to the orders of its union or student leaders to smash against a wall with absolute majority, and the right also goes with its platoons nationalist of it explodes manifestations. To combat the possible reason of the left, rotating the concepts of protest socialist for those of street guerrilla against the legally instituted government, the shades are very different but they spread to be counteracted to each other. 

And amid this whole dirty war, those are that neither of right neither of left, simply those that we want a government to govern and it governs us in peace and with future objectives and justness, and there is no way, in this country this is clear it is impossible, or a lot I make a mistake or we won't take in seeing as the UE it demands us or a coalition government, or it imposes us a troika like in Greece, so that it controls the uncontrollable thing, because we don't deceive ourselves neither the right neither the left of this country has the most remote idea of what is the parliamentary democracy and the government of a plural society. 

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