The debate on if the Federal Reservation should adjust
its interest rates to deflate the risks of bubbles in the financial markets it
divided on Friday to the main officials of the central bank of United States,
what suggests that the controversial idea is reappearing in moments in that
he/she gets ready a historical monetary hardening. To surrender to the central
bank in the practice a third command, besides their formal objectives of
inflation and employment, it has won partisans after the financial crisis of
2007-2009, of which some accuse of a very lax monetary politics that encouraged
the taking of risks in the previous years to the crisis.
In moments in that the Fed heads to its first rise of
rates in almost one decade, what could happen this year, a reason to act soon
would be to contain the accumulation of uncertainties in some areas of the
financial markets as the credits, to use indebtedness to finance an investment.
This debt generates a financial cost (you interest), but if the investment
generates a bigger entrance to the interests to pay, the surplus passes to
increase the benefit of the company. Although in a temporary way to lengthen it
or to cut it and their consequences are the dilemma of the FED
An example of the financial leverage constitutes it
the real estate speculation in the market of the housing. The investors acquire
a housing, they pay a small part to the salesperson and the rest they finance
it to very low interests (around 4 annual%) and they are awaiting that the
housing revalues after few months to sell it and to obtain a benefit; this it
has been the cause of the real estate bubble suffered by several countries,
Spain among them.
Up to now the focus of the Fed has been to use the
financial regulation and the supervision of the banks and other companies of
the sector - the calls prudential tools macro - to contain any risk that can
damage to the group of the economy. The monetary politics has been reserved to
get the goals of an inflation of 2 percent and the maximum of stable
The concerns for possible bubbles in the financial
system have increased to the doors that the Federal Reservation begins to go up
the interest rates after seven years near zero, something that the president of
the Fed, Janet Yellen, and most of their colleagues believe that it will happen
this year. The vice-president of the Fed, Stanley Fischer, said that he can
have to trust to the monetary politics the responsibility for financial
stability, the conference of Boston and the document of Rosengren they seemed
to divide the officials on the list of the interest rates.
In definitive what is clear is that the economy of the
nations and with her of the markets companies and families cannot either be
directed from the central banks the FED p the BCE since this happens the things
they go of bad in worse because him macroeconomics doesn't reflect the true and
human economy of the day by day and that it is in definitive the one that
should move the world. I return another time to denounce the tremendous error
of the world globalization and that it has caused the current situation. That I
fail in this idea I don't know it I am not as wise as to define it if was it I
assure them that it would proclaim it in all directions but the reality is that
wanting to make a well the world has been unbalanced.
With the globalization it passes the same thing that
with the atmospheric contamination, they are two defects caused by the
humanity. Wanting in principle to make a well is causing more damages of those
than we will be able to tolerate or to solve we are changing the natural
economic and climatic conditions of the earth, to try to get that the form of
life, the western consumption approaches, be those that prevail in the
societies of the world.
As I have already commented other times the things
they began from the western world the rich world to say it somehow and they
began deceiving us as always they happen these big disasters the official
facade that was presented to the world about the kindness of the globalization
it was a social action without paragon in the humanity's history. The rich
world had decided to distribute the work and with him the wealth with the poor
world the big migrations would be avoided this way mainly among continents from
the Asian to the American and people would not see as the humanity he left
unbalancing more and more.
But this was the official version the true reason it
was another it was the fear and the greed certainly both very human reasons the
rich world basically the USA had very undoubtedly they should stop the immigration
toward its continent or the moment that the poverty would appropriate of them
would arrive because the first emigrants are very necessary because they
contribute a cheap and necessary manpower but as the country is saturated of
cheap manpower the economy he stops because if it is not a career without end
it is necessary to go up the wages so that the new consumers consummate that
that paradoxically they manufacture and if this is made, the manufactured
consumption products also ascend of price with what they stagnate the economic
growth again.
For this reason and no other he decided that instead
of bringing cheap manpower the best thing it would be to take the cheap work to
the origin of the cheap manpower and what today calls globalization began this
way, what was not calculated, is that as the manpower in origin had the
consumption capacity it began to go up the quality of its production and with
it its competition level with the rest of the world, and the globalization was
this way passing of step in step you globalize the production, then the economy,
and later the social problems, the armies, the atomic bombs, the computer
science, the cybercrime, in definitive you globalize everything in almost
Now the FED doesn't know if he can or not to move the
interests of the money or not because the reaction will be similar of globalized,
but unforeseeable and uncontrollable, and there is not form of measuring it now
the globalization it is the one that sends and this is not neither a human
neither natural fact is a phenomenon that we started without knowing until
where it could arrive and here we have it now I fear myself that it conditions
us to all much but of what we can suppose
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