lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


It is a career settled down in the five continents that we form the earth, it is already bad or good, I don't know what to tell them, that I find entrance that as all the human one neither it is completely bad neither it is completely good, but what is already today in day a reality is the renovation of some political tendencies that at the moment is expanding much more quickly of what we think ourselves. It is this reality what motivates me to carry out this article because I believe firmly that it is already to the doors of the UE and they will enter a little too slyly introduced from Germany. 

Before continuing ahead I want to define the new political concept to that I have baptized with the name of “democratic communism” to explain to me better and in less time I will tell them that it is the political régime that reigns in China and in the Russian Federation, partly it is logical that it is this way because for them it has been to vary their previous régime of the absolute communism that we live as all it was a failure for their impossibility of fomenting the personal" "freedom since it was drowned by the tyranny of the party or rather for the four leaders of the same one.  

The failure of this system was so clear that they even realized themselves and this way after a time of bewilderment they have given him the turn, and now it is evidently the best political system to grow economic and socially, that doesn't mean that they have already gotten it, but that that if I tell them it is that it is the one on the way to the next future, as much as it was it in its moment the liberal democracy. My followers know that I have already written several articles in that I have denounced that the current democratic system this in fact surpassed by democracy excess, it cannot be that everybody or rather an entire society makes what gives them the desire seeking protection in the democracy. 

Notice if not in my trial in this respect: today there are democracies for all the likes, from extreme right, to extreme left, passing for republican, monarchists, Christian democrats, conservatives, liberal, environmentalist, populists, and all those that want to add, because today, if you are not according with their political situation, he goes and believe a new party because the freedom of the democracy allows it to him, but what we don't want to see, is that with this whole amalgam one cannot make a defined politics that can manage an economy, neither a society concept, what contaminates and it reduces the general coexistence of the society. 

Now we will see because the communism was introduced and because I fail: the communism was introduced in two big countries Russia and China, in both there are political features that made it necessary, these societies they had two you sew in common, a the territory enormity to govern and the other one, to come from regimens so absolutist as the “czarisms” and the “imperialism”, and although a more than the other one, the societies to govern were an enormity in comparison with the western democratic societies.  

It was evident that in both you could not allow to make the society what wanted, and it was also evident that it was necessary to assure a minimum of subsistence, so much nutritious as of order and the society could not also know the enormous problems that to get these two factors minimally will have to make the ruling politicians, so in both cases they think about two social groups, the communist practice and the other ones and in the other ones there is no alternative possible, alone to live with what they give you and without protesting, hard truth, hard I assure it to him, because I eat I already said another time I had the occasion of knowing the system from inside in the European area. 

The ferocious and brutal communism as few modern regimens has been, maybe I cause so many deaths like the second world war, but it was able to take to the Chinese and Soviet societies to be able to live with the minimum covered necessities for the state, more in Russia than in China, but it is that the relationship among the societies was almost from 3 to 1, favor of this last one. Well what didn't contemplate that communism was the personal freedom, it sought that everybody was same practically, and this it was their failure what I take to the failure, because when the society could eat, to study, to go the I prescribe, and to live until the 60 years, he began to get bored and you abandonment to itself, so that to make an effort if the state doesn't leave you more, because then so that to fight for but. 

This absolutely logical and human posture, I take basically to the economic decadence of the communism in the USSR, people didn't have interest in the work neither in anything and little by little the arks of the state could not maintain to the own state and much less to the armies and the space careers and all that occident forced to make to the communists, this forces the USSR to come undone of its "empire" and to make the change to the current “democratic communism”, you unloads of the obligations of maintaining to an entire belt of countries that had formed to its front, to be protected of the contact with occident, and he opened up internally to the competitive economy, and this the jump went to the renovation and the success, in China that they followed the Russian sequels they made the same thing, because the problems and like one has seen in the results, they were twin regimens. 

And here we are today, their politics works the society it prospers to forced marches, while the democratic Westerners also go back, the reason is simple, nothing else is order question and of marking a concrete field of game, you town plays to live to compete for material things and they don't enter in the governability and the order, and the state is in charge of maintaining the game norms without any intervention outside of the established political order, and in this order they are chosen "democratically" by voting the president’s the minister what they want, but you society here doesn't enter, you to its work to their business and to prosper to pay to the state and to give bad employment but employment to the remaining society and because not, to enjoy what they can of its life. 

The advantages of this new political system are clearly visible today China it dominates the world economy and Russia in few years, two or three at most, dominated the European economy, and now the most surprising thing comes, he will possibly make it of the hand of Germany. Don't be missed there are two circumstances that will make this possible, one is that their chancellor was and he met the ferocious communism, and he also knows the new system and he knows perfectly about his kindness, and on the other hand, Germany that was together with France the founders of the UE, goes I eat he has already eaten up to the whole economy of the western part, it can no longer prosper thanks to the European democrats, but just the opposite, all the countries of the UE are requesting to Germany that sustains them economically now. 

So the UE is already a wrong business for Germany, however Russia needs and in turn he has of everything, easy it is to understand that a turn toward east is the reactivation of an enormous economy and without control and without end in this whole century twenty-one, this that has been always there, was impossible to confront it with a closed communism but now with the new political régime of this “democratic communism” that conjugates the government rigidity to a certain extent with the individual freedom, it is the key that will make rotate Europe toward east if they don't believe me gives me some time, like he said before, a couple of years only. 

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