sábado, 21 de junio de 2014


It is evident and alarming that since it began the century 21 Spain he goes very quickly, but back, in so single fourteen years, we have passed of being an economic and political miracle, to the most absolute social and economic poverty, and because not to say it, to the deepest institutional dictatorship, that yes, disguised of democratic absolute majority. 

We begin the low century the government of right of the PP and José Mª Aznar like president, in 2004 Spain he gave a radical political overturn and I am in the left socialists' hands (although moderate) of Rodríguez Zapatero hand, and now we have returned another time toward the absolute right and it is taking us of the hand of the book of the constitution the president D. Mariano Rajoy for two and a half years. 

As we can see they have participated all the political tendencies and the conclusion is that nobody is able to decide who has made it worse, because the reality today is this, Spain it was during many years a dictatorship that when you finishes the it transformed into a "Kingdom with an incredible political structure, the Spaniards that we tolerate the dictatorship well, so much that this it was allowed the luxury and the novelty of deciding to abdicate in a King, that if they think it well it embodied to franco as a king, its inheritance transformed clearly Spain into a form of incomprehensible and ineffective state. 

The politics post-franco it directed some year’s government's system until to create the new constitution and to settle down officially and legally the “constitutional dictatorial democracy” creating the pertinent conditions so that they always continued sending the same ones for the centuries of the centuries. That if this time distributed in two political parties (to keep but the appearances) that are devoted to be alternated in the government making and undoing the laws or programs that the other one has made, it is this way that at the end of these years we are exactly in the same place that I leave us the dictatorship. 

And the only form that this constitutional democratic dictatorship has to make a new Spain it is simply changing the KING passing from an old king to a young king. But like we can see Spain of new he doesn't have anything because in fact they have returned us at 1978 with king and everything and that saving the logical differences of the time is traveling the same facts and roads that were traveled from that date, disorder, decontrol, I discourage, and imbalances social, null industrialization, government's inability, null international influence, ruin and at the end as it is logical national misery. 

The next step chronologically speaking should be to restore the republic, it is what would play, but this time if this happens I don't believe this way that Spain can survive but as a state, such and like it has been constituted up to now, because the necessity and the pressure to break up with the system of current state are evident. Spain will break, Catalan on one hand, Basque for other, Andalusianses for his, etc. this will be I don't have this way the smallest doubt, with what we would be another time emulating at 1936 the town looking for a republic or some Iberian united states and the politicians and the capital calling without realizing loudly to another new dictatorship, because the Spaniards of right of the center of the court of the Kingdom, would not admit to lose the economic and real power that they have been mounted from the centuries of the centuries they love. 

I believe that the PP has already made these bills and before the wound it is putting the remedy "its remedy" today Spain it is governed clearly by two dictatorships the one of most of the PP internally and the one of that of the international markets from the exterior, but this situation won't save Spain, they don't doubt it, neither the PP will change the real structures of the Spanish economy, simply because he is not able to he doesn't have enough it forces economic own, he doesn't know how to build it, and to many it doesn't interest them, and the European markets in this case, they won't risk more for a country and an economy that you/they also know that there is not for where to catch it. 

We will be giving turns and jolts maybe some few years more, maybe two, but in this period anything changed, and I fear myself they arrived new elections and today I doubt that there is nobody that gives to the town, to the society, the idea, the illusion although was, that something will change, arrived to this point I believe that Spain can break or worse still, before the lack of believable alternative, a situation of political and economic jam is believed that takes it to the collective suicide, said in another way, let us see a nation that was an empire, to die squashed by its own political immobility because friends these they don't give for more  

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