lunes, 30 de junio de 2014



The situation in Spain gets complicated every day more, the economic difficulties, the social uneasiness and the political diversities, they locate to the Spanish society before some circumstances that are not within reach of the understanding of a lot of part of the own society, this makes very difficult for many families to understand and to understand why they pass them these things so surrealist, for many family parents, they don't understand how it is that they say that we go leaving the crisis, and however there is more unemployment, they have lowered him the salaries, almost he cannot pay the medications, he has to take out its children of the school because he cannot pay it, maybe he has to go to the social dining rooms or the bank of foods to complete the feeding of the family, and for I finish they have tossed him of its house because he cannot pay it.  

As he can explain to himself all this to a father or family mother that he doesn't understand the reactions that are happened by blame of the macroeconomics that he doesn't understand that it is the national GDP, because he gets in debt the state, because it cannot return the debt, because, etc. etc. To a family of any neighborhood of a Spanish town, to request that he understands all this it is very difficult, this alone family worries about it and it occupies that she cannot arrive in order to month, and that every time their money arrives in less quantity because every time the state removes him but, to use it him.  

Today I have been happened to try to explain what is passing in Spain comparing the nation with a family of a neighborhood anyone of a town anyone of Spain. Let us return then to the family that he said before he didn't understand some for what a of what happens to their economy, we said that today it cannot arrive in order to month because he doesn't receive the salary that perceives for their work, well this is that its (GDP) had shrunk, that is to say the GDP of Spain belongs the salary that receives thanks to the combined value of the work and the Spanish population's tax of the global one, to its companies and inhabitants, and the same as to our imaginary family they also remove him every time but GDP, because they go up him the interests of its debts and they don't go up him its revenues and taxes. 

Spain is like a family and the same problems that she has, they are or they are reflected in a normal family of a normal neighborhood of a normal town of this country. Spain besides not having more revenues because he cannot work more hours, because he doesn't have more companies, neither products merchantable, it is that also, as it has passed to many families, you transfer to a higher neighborhood where other neighbors or families live with many more revenues than her, and you installs in a more big, more beautiful, more comfortable house, but unfortunately but much more expensive of maintaining. 

Already some years ago he began to realize that he could not pay with their salary, (GDP) what cost the mortgage and what cost the level of life that should take to continue in consonance with their neighbors. As almost all family father has made, he thought that to stay there and not to say that this neighborhood was not his, you began to get in debt with its neighbors and it was passing without stopping to live above its salary possibilities (GDP), until its neighbors also began to have problems of money, in this point, they began him to request that returns them the debts with those that had helped to maintain that family in that neighborhood and here the difficulties begin for the Spanish family, to return their debts he needs more wages (GDP) but I eat there are not possibilities to work more, he has to reduce expenses so that it is him its poor person's salary money (GDP), and to that it appeals. 

But our imaginary family has 17 children of those which alone they work and they collaborate with its wage to the family three children, the other ones don't have the possibility to contribute revenues because they don't have enough revenues for its expenses, so when the family begins to reduce expenses, what happens is that to who reduces but they are the three children that bring revenues, because to the other ones not alone it cannot reduce them more, but rather what happens is that he cannot give them more than evidently it is not the same thing, so the things begin to deteriorate quickly, the children that could not pass with their revenues are left without help and those that could collaborate every time are they more difficult to help because the father every time he requests more help.  

The family crumbles this way little by little, the family head (the state) he wants to maintain its rhythm of life, he wants to continue attending the parties and the social meetings of the neighborhood, trying to insinuate its neighbors that everything goes well and it hides the difficulties of its children like he can, these they begin not to agree with it, mainly the two adults, one of them even fed up with the situation he says that the best thing for him, is to become emancipated and to live for its bill, but this to the family head doesn't interest him, because if that son leaves house he will leave with his included salary and capacity missed the family to be able to stay in the house and in the neighborhood in that it is determined in living. 

This is the history of an imaginary normal family but that it reflects the situation in that Spain, the reality has been placed expressed in near concepts to each one of us it accuses us the reality, still summarizing more the situation, Spain is there a not very hard-working family that left to live from the extra radio in that was, to downtown for a blow of luck, where the banks are, the headquarters of the big companies, where the price of the housings is more expensive, and its family head didn't think that to go there it was necessary to change all its customs, to reeducate its children, to give them bigger formation and mainly to look for them uses so that can contribute more money (GDP), to be able to cohabit with its neighbors. Now at the alone end there is a solution to leave the neighborhood and to return to the extra radio.  

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