viernes, 27 de junio de 2014



From Catalonia as much the society as the Generalitat and their political supports a career has begun to get an ambitious final point but full with illusion and logic at the same time like it is to be an independent state of Spain. There are many reasons for it, the feeling characteristic of a town that has always been meant by their differences and that they have not been he possible to Spain to reduce them and to eliminate them, not even after three centuries of absolute domain, now the most common question is: if this certainly has been this way because now he doesn't want to stay that has changed that has radicalized the situation. 

And here the question that precipitates this radicalization of the problem that is not another enters that the economic survival of the country, such and like the things go, and against the Spanish government's theses, Catalonia knows that or we segregate ourselves or we collapse in the more tremendous of the economic and political involutions of Spain, this is what we have seen the Catalan and what we demand to our rulers. Please take us out of this because the end is the turn to the XX century.  

Spain denies us that this will be this way and to try to brake this secessionist movement he threatens us with just the opposite if you separate Spain you won't be anything you will lose everything we won't allow you to be in europa they won't give you financing you will lose 20% of your GDP etc., but as always I say the reality it is stubborn and it always puts the things in its place and unfortunately the place of Spain in this current economic reality is the decomposition of the middle class society to take it to the penury economic clearer statement to have to fight almost for the survival, and its low class to almost to have to pass hunger what takes to both to listen to the staunchest politicians in the populism of left and the demagoguery of the right at the end of the road is another time the dictatorship. 

The Spanish government's promises fail sooner than it takes, there is not none that can put as success example and I won't repeat all the atrocities that this government has legislated and negotiated with a great ability to arrive to the most boisterous failure in each one of them, today arrived to this point I want to show to the Spaniards that he waits for us and because we don't want to live him if we can. 

The Spanish economy doesn't have another road that to ruin to its society to pay interests of the debt because it is useless that they assure us that the interests of the debt lower while the total amount of the same one ascends, it is absurd that Montoro says that it reduces taxes. The minister prevue that the contention of the expense (he says that this it will grow, but less than the GDP) and the increase of the collection like consequence of the biggest economic activity will Allow to reduce the public deficit from 6,6 % of the GDP (without bank rescue) until 5,5 % in 2014, and to 4,2 % in 2015, and so forth until locating it in 1,1% of the GDP in 2017.  

This is completely the opposite of what is happening and it passed the GDP at the moment the IPVC it doesn't grow it is plane and pendent to the drop, the collection of the IVA goes decreasing what forces Brussels to notice to Spain that should go up it, regarding the debt if you had 700mil, millions to an average of the 4.5.% paid a year 32 thousand millions and if now you have 980 thousand millions that is to say no to 3.5% of average pays 34 thousand millions, alone you have not lowered the payment stanchion but rather you have elevated the deficit when increasing the debt and towards continuing to reduce it in percentage that is not global quantity you have to make cuttings in all that rebounds to the services that a state should lend to its society this is that simple and it is what is passing in Spain. 

I know that from Spain they will be able to us to say that we are selfish, but I believe that it is not this way because during this whole time we have been here and we have contributed in everything until being today going by serious economic problems, but it can no longer be requested more, or said otherwise, seen what Spain has made with all our sacrifices, we see that it has not been worthwhile there has not been re equilibrium some in the state economies, but almost just the opposite they have become worse the differences among the societies of the different CCAA, we have thrown everything for the overboard it is not he/she swims that is to say it is proportionally less than 15 years ago behind. 

He wanted to request to the Spaniards that think of what is happening where they have taken us and think that in Spain there is not any clear indication that from the government they want to change everything it continues equally, the alone state knows how to live off taxes and of rates of services, the same services that I install the dictatorship, the light, the telephone, the gas, the railroad, and anything but there is not I+D+I the last intention of "Mark Spain" they already come that favor makes us, in short yourselves, but they don't make to us the culprits that it is what they paint them from Madrid. 

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