martes, 3 de junio de 2014


In the face of the imminent change of king in Spain would be to advise to the future tenant of the operetta that watches over with which government's politics will have to cohabit, I say it because such and like the Spanish constitution is formulated you future majesty, is not more than a catalyst of international business to the service of the interests of an older capital and anchored in a past that he has brought us to the social ruin in which found us, and don't wonder because it has been this way, I explain to him it, this is this way because the Spanish governments want an old Spain and without renovation possibilities some because of it depends it his continuity. 

The strategy of the government from Spain and of the parties that sustain it, the Popular Party and the PSOE are shameful, their face position to be able to be perpetuated in the power, it seems to be to get how many more messes better, so that the society doesn't know exactly to which should combat, it is incredible, there for where their men or women go, alone they receive scratches and insults and screams that I won't detail, what you don't see the government neither their supporters, it is that when this happens in each one of their acts, it is not chance, they are not those that those that organize them and the mistaken ones scream, but the government and the party those that are governing bad. 

The position of continuous fight against the Government and the decontrol of the PSOE, is a strategy created by themselves it doesn't fit him the smallest doubt, any ruler knows that it will always have governed mad and that with reason or without her, they will have them in against, but here in Spain this is not that they know it, it is that they provoke it to be made the martyrs, this posture believes that it favors them, because he gives cause to des virtue the reality with which he faces the society or the town like want, the quantity of foolishness that they say and they make to hidden its true intention that is undoubtedly to clip to the maximum the democracy, the already very scarce that we enjoy in Spain and this allows them to justify its mood dictatorial and absolutist being protected and apologizing before the attacks of a society according to them almost criminal. 

That if they paint them the local that if they attack them the cars that if they explode them mítines and conferences, etc., and that happens in all Spain, the curious thing that yes, it is that them alone they complain about what we make them in Catalonia, but it is not true, that passes them in any other city town and even the government's same headquarters Madrid, sometimes for the abortion, others for the sanity, others for the cuttings without control neither results, others for the own ridicule of their members that they arrive to the unthinkable thing, some for machismo without control, others to be believed with right to be jumped a police control of traffic, others to go like a vat in motorcycle, etc. 

For the other part there are civil organizations whose only existence reason is in fact to go against this disaster of government of its prepotency and bad education, this cannot avoid it because the international laws impede it, but that that yes it is clear it is that they know it. Is the question so silly what they hope they make all these social communities... because that to explode them its acts and public appearances, to show them its dissatisfaction and him bad that they are making it. 

It is already well of wanting to deny the evidence, it is not single Catalonia and the Catalan independent, they are all and each one of the associations against the abortion, against the ousters, against the preferable ones, against the employment lack, against the education laws and of social security that they are purely made with the intention of clipping rights, against the graft of public funds in freeways that are not good to go to any place, against the electric hole, against the bank rescue, against the exaggerated investment in AVE’s that are deficit although they try to hide it, anyone that knows how many two are he knows it, against the already almost incalculable number of politicians ruling or former rulers filed in trials of almost all the possible economic crimes. 

In summary after these realities that they wait that they applaud them that the society gives them the thank you among alive to Spain, for the god love what passes them is not that the country this against of them, it is that they are them those that are against all Spain, go its future majesty carefully he tries to change the waves of the sea of the disillusion of the Spaniards, all go without fail against its dikes and he doesn't doubt it if he doesn't make anything in this respect at the end they will break them. 

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