martes, 10 de junio de 2014


Copenhagen. (EFE). - The first British minister, David Cameron, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, arrived this Monday in Sweden to celebrate a mini summit in which they will discuss with its Swedish homologous and Dutchman reformations in the breast of the UE and the succession to the front of the European Commission (CE). The four leaders coincided in standing out to its arrival to the residence of summer of the first Swedish minister in Harpsund, to the south of the country that the conversations will rotate around topics as the employment and the economic growth before on the Portuguese José's relief Manuel Durao Barroso, current president of the CE. The former first minister Luxemburger Jean-Claude Juncker is the most obvious name, for its condition of candidate of the European Popular Party (PPE), winner of the elections taken place at the end of last month in the UE, although the opposition of countries like Great Britain, Sweden, Holland and Hungary has complicated its options. 

Did Cameron reiterate as the rest of leaders in Harpsund that the meeting will be centered in the reformations, although it admitted that there is a "bond" among those topics and people that will be to the front of the main community organs and do I complete its declaration with the typical comment of a character that is conditioned by the special economy of which enjoys the United Kingdom and that he will never want to lose and of there its positions of you give union to the UE "An important principle it is that the elected leaders democratically in Europe those that we should choose those who will direct the institutions instead of accepting a new process on which will come to an agreement never, this character are it is only and a hard face as most of Anglo-Saxon How he believes this stretched English that Junker has been chosen?. 

Merkel, the only of the four gathered in Sweden that supports Juncker, was limited to say: it is not foreseen that here will discuss on names". A similar line maintained the first Swedish minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, and Dutch Government's boss, Mark Ruttey that insisted in that before to speak of names is important consensuar the candidate's "profile." In an interview diffused by the British newspaper Financial Times, Reinfeldt questioned the new process of the president's of the CE election, sustaining as Cameron that should be the community leaders' competition and not of the Euro camera. 

And before arriving in Sweden, the own Cameron had proclaimed in its bill of the social net Twitter that the main British parties reject Juncker, after the laboristas that don't support its candidacy when considering confirming that it would hinder the reformation. The first British minister had already threatened last week the exit of his country of the UE if Juncker, to who a representative of the "old guard" contrary to the reformations that he defends for the Union considers, elect leaves, some qualified declarations of "unacceptable" for Merkel. 

During the recent summit of the Group of the seven more industrialized countries (G7) in Brussels there were parallel contacts among the main European leaders, but without takes place advances. With the result that the meeting of Harpsund that will conclude this Tuesday in the morning with a combined appearance of the four leaders, a new step be considered to try to unblock the situation. 

The bosses of State and of Government of the UE they should approve for majority qualified in the summit that you/they will celebrate the 26 and 27 of June to a candidate to preside over the CE, who later will be supported by the Euro camera. If the European Parliament didn't give green light to the candidate that they propose him the Twenty-eight, these they will have a term of one month to present another name. They come it is what I always say it is not possible to put of agreement 27+1 nations and this can say it now after seeing the easy thing that it is he to a to change King and the difficult thing that it turned out the UE to substitute a president that doesn't also send anything… good this the King from Spain also. 

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