miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011


If he still stays the euro, it is simply because nobody any politician, government, nation etc. want neither to make the picture of the funeral of the false currency, neither he wants to leave in the retinue of this funeral, so everything is in the air waiting the natural thing that it is the death for collective starvation of the European Union. The union doesn't have left another exit that the suicide, its inefficacy before the first great crisis that has reached it, leaves well to the white that the project doesn't have future neither political neither economic, partly for blame of its blindness in thinking that the facts would be stronger that the political and economic national differences, in the moment that the bills have rotated to worse, all the components of the Union have escaped from responsibilities and they have been positioned in the institutional limbo.   

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe faces 10 crucial days to save the area euro after consenting to increase its rescue bottom and to recognize that he could have to go to the International Monetary Fund to obtain more help to avoid a financial disaster. Entering in a critical period of 10 days to complete and to sum up the answer from the European Union to the crisis" are "now, he/she said on Wednesday the commissary of Economic and Monetary Matters, Olli Rehn, while the minister of Finances met. 

The minister of the area euro put on Tuesday at agreement night on the detailed plans to reinforce the European Fund of Financial Stability (FEEF), but they could not say in what measure due to the express deterioration of the conditions of the market, what took them to look toward the IMF. As you he can say that the minister came to an agreement it is that that you cannot complete, said otherwise that it doesn't depend on you, this is not an agreement, it is a dream, it is an occult fantasy, manifested by all those gathered with the frank idea that a much repeated lie becomes a false truth finally  

The yields of the Italian funds and Spaniards as era of waiting ascended toward untenable levels on Wednesday again, while the markets considered that the reinforcement of the rescue bottom was insufficient. For not calling it directly false that is already a very hard term for the sensitive hearings of the impotent minister and completely lacking decision and power. There won't be (FEEF) it cannot have him it is a tremendous illusion, like they sought the European governments that the emergent countries and the IMF, they were so dreamer that they invested in a bottom that will be good for to guarantee the same debt that they have already, and that they will never get paid that the European minister of economy were outlining them, simply the cheat of the pyramidal investment. 

I don't understand it simply I cannot understand it, unless I eat I have already said other times the final idea it is to finish with the European scenario that in the dream of a summer night Konrad Adenauer and Robert Shuman imagined, I am for sure if these characters were to the front of its dream, the solution to the problems would be very easy, what doesn't mean that it is neither simple neither pleasant, but if I assure them that it would be definitive and reliable. 

The European Union, has two exits one: To move away the euro and to return to the unilateral situation of a nation a foreign currency, and that each one composes them to him with their economic status staying the European Union previous to the treaty of Maastricht, to leave that they are stabilized the individual conditions of the countries again, until being able to configure an union real politics again and monetary, the experience has already become trained that both unifications cannot go for separate. 

And two: to accept without considerations the theory of the facts for before the considerations and to cause the union for the force, and I refer to the force of the common economy, for it doesn't have left more remedy than to unite the area euro, with the same forms rules and laws: budgetary, financial, fiscal, tax and labor (I don't refer to quantity of wages if not to operation and labor order) to gather the whole sovereign debt of the countries that they are proposed by majority to be part of this unit and that they accept this submission of their national powers, creating a new entity, (if one doesn't want to use for it the BCE) that perfectly could be denominated European Monetary Fund where the entrance of the different debts would be counted in current Eurus for separate, and in the cost conditions and solvency in that the international market has located them. With the purpose of that each debt was restored by each debtor as if to the international market is. 

To the FME it should be endowed of a preferably new capital of at least 2 trillion Eurus, with that that this organization and with this guarantee bottom it would begin the work of only negotiator of the European debt starting from then. The countries members of the euro that have consented to this situation will pass their financing necessities to this stamen, which carried out the auction of debts, funds letters of the treasure etc. in the financial markets as auction of European debt, the old debt for this way to say it, it will remain perfectly controlled and counted so that each debt is redeemed of form and different cost, to the one that will be only and common starting from the new organization. 

It is evident that this system didn't avoid the difficulties of cuttings and sacrifices of the countries that at this time have difficulties, since they will make in front of the debts, for this way to say it, already pawned in the FME apart from the new debts unified, and it is that one cannot attempt the economic and fiscal unification, if the components have two separate economies physically, that is to say a new debt in the FME, and another in another totally other people's context, for where they could receive violent attacks that would destabilize another time the new common economy, but it is fair that this unification, don't cause costs added to the different economies of the members that compose it, if not that each one internally should solve before the FME their last debts. 

Of course and already this new unification will contemplate lastly, clearly that the no fulfillment anyone of the approved economic norms and unified, it would be penalization reason and even the expulsion of the members don't complete, on the part of the advice of government of the European commission, after unanimous agreement of the members in commission. 

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