The incongruities and the one survives who can, they begin to run
pursuing the characters that should have captained the unique strategy of the
union, and that against that at the end their blunders are already reason from
gibe and abuse to the European society that we see amazed the fall of what
should be an industrial and economic empire of first order, transformed into a
formless quantity of dirt made up of egos of uncertainties of cowardice’s and
of deceits.
What I lacked to see is that the own European union is wanted to make
traps to if same, for not facing to each other and that it would be probably
the only thing that could stop the end in these moments, but it is that the
assembly that we imposed ourselves impedes that nobody neither any stamen, it
can work neither to favor neither against anything neither of anybody, for very
necessary that is, creating with it a such immobility that it is necessary to
appeal to be made traps in the loner.
So much so that again, before the one maintained pursuit to the European
debts and before the posture differing of Mrs. Merkel that she wants by all
possible means that Europe collapses but that to Germany it doesn't cost him an
euro, it continues blocking all the opinions against its it castles regarding
that the BCE, be a mere guardian of the deposits of German Eurus in him
deposited. The authorities of the Euro zone and the (IMF) they have debated the
idea that the (BCE) he lends to the organism directed by Christine Lagarde, the
necessary money to rescue to the big economies of the currency 'only'. Like
they come it is already thought of appealing to the deceit, to the trap to
themselves, this could be a way of drawing the legal restrictions of the BCE
and that it defends the German Chancellor, it assures a source with knowledge
of the negotiations. Another source confirms the same ones.
The idea is that the BCE, limited by its list of central bank, it can
intervene in the case of being necessary a rescue of Italy or, even, France, to
give time to the authorities to confront its own reformations, thing that they
won't be able without separating the German Chancellor of the political
scenario. The economists believe that the BCE can only offer a believable
guarantee to the markets, that the European Fund of Financial Stability will be
viable if it participates in him. Their serious endowment of at least a
trillion Eurus.
The laws of the Union European prohibit to the BCE that finances the
Governments. The own central bank has repeated numerous times that he won't be
the moneylender of last resource of the States, because it demands that these
they confront serious economic reformations to reduce its enormous
indebtedness. Germany rejects the intervention of the BCE, because he fears
that to appeal to the monetary liquidity of the debt, suppose the end of the
independence of the organism and, in the future, an explosion of the inflation
in Europe.
But this is not enough, it is a question of priorities and decisions, we
are or not in a monetary Union, and we are or not in a Political Union, if the
situation requires an action in which seems they agree most, although he has
its risks, it cannot be that a single part implies the failure of an entire
project, unless it is in fact this what tries to get. Sew that the following
declarations that it has pronounced the chancellor openly confirm.
Berlin (EFE). - The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, reiterated today
its conviction that the European Central Bank (BCE) it cannot solve the crisis
of the debt and she underlined that its government won't give in that point.
"Those that believe that the BCE can solve as a moneylender of last
instance the weaknesses of the euro zone outline something that cannot
work", Merkel she said in a congress organized by the daily
"Süddeutsche Zeitung". She has the reason and it is willing to pass
above the one that is, and this doesn't finish here, the chancellor continues:
the crisis of the euro zone can only be solved through a solid political
leadership, (I suppose that she refers to his own, or to that of Germany).
"My position in this point is solid", Merkel said
The war already comes out to the street it can no longer hide but, the
discrepancies take to that for the other side, the first minister from
Luxemburg and president of the Euro group, Jean-Claude Juncker, manifest that
it considers "preoccupant the high one I mount of the German" debt,
in declarations that it publishes today the newspaper of General Bonn Anzeiger.
Juncker says: "Germany has higher debts that Spain. But here nobody wants
to know it", "Here (in Germany) they had to attend impotent twice to
the total destruction of the entirety of the popular saving”, in reference to
the hyperinflation of the years 20 of last century and the financial crash at
the end of the II Guerra World cup.
Wrong goes if we are thinking of pre situations and post World Wars,
that is also significant in the way of to think and to act of Germany and its
chancellor, if this it is the cause, it is clear that Germany doesn't trust of
the rest of Europe, and that he sees the possibility again that the Europe post
and pre Wars of the years 1914/1918 and 1939/1945, this present and prepared
attack them again, this time gift the weapons of the waste and the debt, if it
is not this way, he doesn't have explanation that that geopolitical situation
is mentioned to justify the current posture, but if Juncker has made these
manifestations today in Germany, it is that he knows what says.
The debt public German is of 83 percent of the GDP, but the
profitability from the funds to ten years it was yesterday of 1,78 percent. In
spite of everything, the president of the Euro group considers that inflation
danger doesn't exist neither of a collapse of the area of the euro and reasons
don't exist to think that the savings enter in an area of danger. But neither
Juncker is Merkel neither Luxemburg is Germany, for very neighboring and
bankers that are the some of the other ones. They already it we leave diluting
for the drainage.
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