sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011



The attitudes that are reflected in the current moments of extreme difficulty in the government of the European Union, get me the attention, it seems that there is not spirit of union for any side but well the opposite, everything is meetings to two bands, at three, one says a thing, another says other, others disappear of the political scenario, in few and clear words there is not European Union, so I have stopped to check the principles of the statutes of foundation of the Union, and I have found the answer to the because we don't work, neither I believe me that we will work, if we don't alter the philosophy foundational manifested in the diverse treaties of the Union. 

In any moment, in any writing, in any treaty, it figures the word Democracy single figure the word agreement and neither figure the word Law or laws if not alone the I finish Treaty or agreement, it is this way clear that the Union is not governed by laws emanated democratically in any aspect, for that reason they don't doubt it, the disaster that we are living is happening amazed and afraid the Europeans, the truth the sad reality is that there are not Laws in Europe, there is not possible government in Europe, because it is not governed by any uniform and less even democratic political system, but rather he goes (it is not Governed) by means of agreements more or less accepted by some and always while it interests them to follow them. 

It is this way like one can understand that Germany directs the Union now, without nobody has given him the authority to make it, you the taking and point, also understand each other that the one that needs the umbrella of Germany follows it and it tolerates it, he understands each other without doubting it that the one that doesn't obey the guidelines of the at this time stronger, he is forced until ending up overthrowing a government antidemocratically and nobody says anything in this respect, he understands each other that there is not replica possibility neither of changing a drift that drives us hopelessly to the failure, because Germany is mistaken completely, its government system and of economy single voucher for them, it is unviable to impose it in the rest of Europe including the selfsame France. 

The case is that to insist in this is lost task because I repeat the European Union he doesn't have Laws of Government single treaties of convenience and the convenience at this time Germany imposes it. Today I pick up news that puts me the tip hair another time and he makes me to meditate and to write this article. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The States member of the area euro, aware of the depressed trust of the market in the debt of the area euro, they are studying to eliminate the implication of the private sector in the permanent bottom of rescue that he will go into effect in 2013. The conversations have place like part of some negotiations wider envelope the change of the Treaty of the UE (he continues without appearing the  finish Law) to introduce stricter fiscal norms, in what Germany insists as previous condition for a bigger integration among the nations of the area euro.  

The concern is that to force to the private sector to assume losses, if a country needs to restructure its debt, it is mining the trust of the market in the sovereign funds of the area euro. If the clauses on the implication of the private sector are eliminated, according to many countries, the feeling of the market can improve. But the clauses related with the implication of the private sector inside the statutes of the European Mechanism of Stability - the bottom of permanent rescue whose operation will begin for half-filled of 2013 - they could be omitted, for the opposition of some of countries. 

"France, Italy, Spain and all (the economies) outlying" they are in favor of eliminating the clauses; he said a responsible for the UE to Reuters. "Against they are it Germany, Finland and Holland", he added. Another responsible one said that although the German insistence was decaying of maintaining the implication deprived in the bottom, the denominated clauses of collective action, they would only be eliminated like part of some negotiations wider envelope the Treaty of the UE. Berlin wants that the 27 countries of the UE, or at least the 17 of the area euro, support the changes to the Treaty before considering other matters in those that the States member wants him to change its posture. 

Germany is also pressed to soften its opposition to that the European Central Bank (BCE) it plays a more direct paper in the fight against the debt crisis, and to give its support to the idea of the combined emission of funds of the area euro. The minister of Finances of the area euro will speak of the permanent bottom in a meeting in Brussels the 29 and 30 of November, included the implication of the abandonment of those clauses in their statutes.  

And I say, it would not be more effective than the European Union constitutes a true parliament with their corresponding ministries or like want to call them where were represented all the countries that compose the Union, equally by means of their respective first minister or presidents, and this way to debate and to approve laws (and non treaties) of having forced execution on the part of all, once discussed and approved democratically in parliamentary session, instead of to negotiate and to arrive to Treaties of convenience that leaving the meeting is left parked if to you he is not interested or you don't like them. 

It is for this cause and not other that the resolutions don't leave well, none gives result unless it favors the speculators, they know that what decides the European Union doesn't have validity, because it stops well or for bad, the own countries took charge of not completing them so alone they have left to wait and to continue attacking, they are not in a hurry, they always won, another thing would be if knows that an European law is of having forced execution, although notices well, is mistaken, they would also have to adapt and her, and I don't tell them when the normal thing is that was laws and perfectly reasoned actions and developed among all, to apply in a democratic way the battle he would finish once and for all for all. 

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