It seems already truly the
game of the nonsense’s, the European commission demands changes Germany and
France they second it, the changes take place the peripherals they are
according to their guidelines. Result the European economy collapses, then so
that we want an Union, so that we need an European economy, if we don't know
how to manage it, better it would be to break it and to enter again in the
national competition of each economy in front of the other ones, and to have
like that is digested.
Made this introduction
wants to pass to outline the one that I believe it is the solution for the
European Union regarding its global economy. I diagnose it is that the European
Union seeks to stabilize an economy very above its reality and possibility, I
believe that incomprehensibly the Union Europe, wants to agree with to the
German theses regarding the competitiveness and to the productivity, and for
consequence to the economic strength. And God willing can be made, but somebody
has to study the reality and to say it so much to government's advice in
Brussels, like to Germany. The conglomerate mosaic of nations that they form
the current European Union and but concretely the euro area in no way cannot
sustain the productive economic ratios of Germany, it is impossible structural
and I would say that physically.
An economy based on the
industrialization and the commercial surplus as the German sustained by
82.000.000 of inhabitants, is impossible to expand it to more than 350.000.000
of inhabitants, alone in the euro area, and much less in more than 500 millions
of the current European Union. Let us be sensible if him GDP of Germany you
extrapolates like standardize for the whole union, the macroeconomic figures
would jump to the impossible thing we see if not, the GDP of Germany is
considered more or less in 2.8 trillion Eurus 34.500 Eurus per capita. The GDP
of the rest of the euro area is that is to say of 7,4 trillion Eurus about
31.000 Eurus per capita, that tells us that the area euro to be equaled, its
GDP should increase in 833 thousand million Eurus with that that the GDP of the
euro serious area of approximately 11,5 trillion Eurus or 15 Trillion dollars
the USA is in 14.2 trillion Dollars. We really believe that we are more than
the first world power
These macroeconomic figures
leave well to the white that one cannot make an economic politics in europa, to
image and likeness of Germany for the whole context of countries and societies
incorporated in the union, it is necessary to break this idea or it is
necessary to organize compensations it is necessary to carry out plans of
relocation of productions or what is wanted, but you cannot seek that Greece
has a GDP like Germany, it is absurd and impossible, I don't say it in
pejorative sense to the Greek society, it is that he doesn't have possible
infrastructure the own country for it, neither it should be created in the case
that one can, because another fundamental point also exists if the euro area
ends up expanding its GDP to the analyzed figures, where it would place its
production of where it would take out its commercial surplus, we should flood
the China and the USA of products "Made in UE."
This whole reasoning comes
for the continuous fact of the economic positions of the axis German Franco,
but of German that of French but good leaves it to me this way, Germany seeks
and Europe doesn't deny it that the deficits is balanced to solve the sovereign
debts, debts that are been in fact of 15 years to have passed trying to balance
the social rents of the inhabitants of the area euro, without controlling that
this could not be true, without appealing to the leverage with the sovereign
debt without any real support behind.
We don't go this way
anywhere except to the total ruin, the area euro what has to make once and for
all is to accept this reality and re dimensioned their economy reducing it a
lot, and assuring it face to the external markets, fact that would allow him to
resurge with certain force. They will see my plan it is the following one: the
European Union should create an own central financial entity, endowing it of a
capital of 2 trillion Eurus, the trillion that was approved already makes more
than one month in form of a bottom ghost because nobody has seen it, and
another trillion but I eat margin of security, these two trillions mean 16% of
the current global GDP, this quantity would be contributed by the BCE with the
help of the setting in circulation of 2 trillion new Eurus, that would make
lower the rate of the European foreign currency that we cannot really sustain
and they are making it lower the markets without we take out profit some of
this circumstance.
I don't know to what extent
it would lower the Euro in front of the Dollar but I not calculate more than
20% what would leave their value among a fork of 105/110 dollars / euro, let us
remember that when the euro started he was given a parity of 0.909 dollars /
euro, so still we leave winning, this besides tranquilizing the collection of
the European debt and admitting that it could seem the topic kind of an it
removes of 20% as concession to the not well thought markets of the debt, he
would give the reactivation of the European industry as a result, and of the
interior trade, because he should be lowered for force the imports, and against
the opinion of the BCE I don't believe that it went up the inflation more than
that that now is already, that is to say 3/4%, in short they already have
everything in its hands, the governments that wanted, and the economic solution
that they don't want to see, if they prefer to look toward another side it is
that what they want is that we leave the European Union definitively.
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