martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


This country doesn't have cure, neither spirit, neither political reason some, it is seen that here anything has importance.  Spain continues being "One Big and Free" no matter how much it is not among us the one that coin this slogan, he gives same behind him, you happens the rulers to the same spirit of greatness, without grouper some as which coin it, Rajoy is already installed in the power and being able to however has not settled in him, curious truth but it is this way, the thing this in knowing if it is that to Rajoy he scares him to take it, or it is the power that he doesn't want to be allowed to take. Be as was the question it is that we will continue still losing the time and the money for a even of months.

Really that has been better for all that the same as Greece and Italy, has intervened us politically the European Union, today we would be already with the government working and working in the "small problems that we have", but I don't eat he said before, Spain is A Big and Free and so that he will bother in running, the things to its step as if is the imperial Spain of the XVI century or the isolated Spain of half-filled of the XX century, and there is no way that the Spanish politicians understand it, the power in Spain is clear it is another thing. 

Now he plays to be happy that yes without happiness, of the bump of the contrary one, because the thing goes somewhere around, it is clear that the PP doesn't want that it seems that it celebrates anything, and for it changes it the system and it doesn't celebrate its victory directly, but rather it celebrates the defeat of the PSOE, and clear so that that lasts it requires a long interim process during the one which, and while the society and the Spanish economy collapses but an but every day, the crushing winner of the elections, instead of already facing with the problems was devoted to take out the loser's shames   

The Popular Party took place yesterday its National Executive Committee with most absolute in its hands. The meeting of the popular dome served so that Mariano Rajoy imposed its weary rhythm before the pressures, internal and external, that he is receiving so that it assumes powers as soon as possible. Rajoy said to his that it is necessary to try to accelerate the maximum thing possible the transfer of powers and he added subsequently "of agreement with the norms". This means that they will press so that the terms that it marks the law for such a need, are adjusted the entire possible one to the bureaucracy of the power and not to the urgency of the Country. Rajoy will give to know its program of Government and with the same one, the first measures, in the investiture debate that will take place by the middle of the month of December. (The constitution of the Cortes is foreseen for the day December 13).  

Among point there is a meeting of the European Union of extraordinary importance next day December 9, meeting that evidently Spain although it is present physically it won't attend operatively, because that will make the Spanish governments, (him in functions and the one that worked that is to say will have two but that none works) alone they will listen, to have dinner and to eat, to really interview with the big ones to leave in the picture, and to say if Mister and if Miss., but to contribute something, to defend something, to propose something of that anything, there will already be time while that the other ones that it stops that Spain work it is a Big and Free, it would lack more. 

This way, the leader of the PP marks his own territory in front of the pressures that it is suffering in the last days, so that it acts as president of the Government in an immediate way due to the economic situation of the country and to the attacks of the markets, because the markets don't wait to that the Cameras are constituted. But it is that the most absolute closeness, resides in that seems not even that Rajoy has clear to these heights the new executive's composition that will be known immediately later, of the investiture, my mother that loss of time and of tester possibility to the public opinion, and to the markets, aiming names of possible minister and even composition of ministries, for example would like to the market to already know if there will be one or two economic look ministries, I refer to the possibility of creating a country property ministry and a ministry of Economy and finances. 

It is not a foolishness what I say, because I believe that such and like they are the circumstances a thing it will be the internal control and the administration of the fiscal and the internal economy of the state, and other the administration of the economy of doors out where will have to get used to fight and to contribute with ideas and own initiatives, in front of big figures of the field of the international economy, and one is already known it cannot be in ceremony and pealing the bells. Well but all this what difference does it make, we still have more than one month so that to run, with security will know it "before Christmas Eve", the following day Christmas, then new year, later the kings, and over there January 15 with a lot of luck, we will begin to work in something that apparently doesn't have a lot of importance for the government, the exit of the economic crisis that has something like that as 5 millions of stopped and that he forces us at the moment to pay 6% for our debt. 

The worst in the case is that it stops the other countries of the union then they already took us 35 days of advantage, but that but he gives Spain it will continue being One, Big and Free. 

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