domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


Putin continues being a wrong dream for Russia the bad thing it is that the Russian ones are accustomed to dream badly and they tolerate everything. The politics of the governments of the URSS before and of the Russian Federation now solve the internal problems with the help of external wars the case it is that I don't know if it will be to want to copy in everything to the USA or because they don't really have explanations to justify the backwardness that the Russian society suffers before the neighboring societies we put for case that of the UE. 

The Russian federation possesses a GDP of 2.118,000 million dollars (2014) and a GDP / capita of 17,687 dollars, the European union presents a GDP of 17.371, 600 dollars and a PIB /capita of 33,800 dollars, these numbers indicate us that the economic imbalance that the Russian citizens tolerate a Russian has 49% less than wealth that an European one and let us don't speak of the GDP of the nation the biggest in the world and alone it produces 1/8 part of what makes it the UE. This is an imbalance that incomprehensibly stays for the closeness of the Russian politicians and the blindness of the Russian society  

It is evident also that with these numbers they cannot hold back many wars neither many armies if it is not to coast of limiting quality of life to their society this is a phenomenon that he/she comes from the time of the communism and that he repeats an and another time; while their main enemy the USA makes wars and therefore they manufacture and they consume weapons, bombs, and you bleat, there are workers' thousands in private factories of armament that win its good wages and they increase the GDP of the country, in Russia it is just the opposite the state it is at the same time the army and the armament factories and the economic resources that you/they need they leave the budget of the state for that that this reduction the possibility to improve the services of the Russian society. 

The figures are tremendous: Putin takes four wars in sixteen years in the power - Chechenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Syria -, they conform the Russian president's warlike record who has not doubted to appeal to the weapons to defend the interests of its country. It is what says to the town but the reality is that what defends is its political interests. Nothing else to arrive to the power, Putin was earned the support from its fellow citizens when launching the second war of Chechenia (1999-2009), baptized as antiterrorist operation by the Kremlin, but qualified by many others as a civil war.    

At the beginning, West criticized the violations of the human rights difficultly in the war, but the unconditional Russian support to the antiterrorist campaign rushed by USA after the attacks of September 11 2001 he made forget the hell Chechen. Ten years later Chechenia stopped to be a problem, since the authoritarian directing Chechen designated by the Kremlin, Ramzán Kadírov, it has established a police régime that has been able to behead the guerrilla Islamite. Putin it maintains conceited that the victory in the second war Chechen avoided the disintegration of the Russian Federation.    

Soon after of leaving the Kremlin to assume first minister position (2008), Georgia threw an operation lightning to recover the region separatist of Osetia of the South whose population had received in a buried way the Russian citizenship. The Kremlin didn't doubt to order its first military intervention abroad from the invasion of Afghanistan (1979) and the Russian troops went in help of their forces of peace and of the town oseta.   

They were only five days of war, but Russia was not limited to liberate Osetia of the South, but rather it threw punishment operations against the Georgian Army and he went into in territory of that country until being located to less than 50 kilometers of the capital of Georgia, Tiflis. As a result, Russia recognized the independence of Osetia of the South and Abjasia (Black sea), and it was shielded in that was west who opened the box of Pandora from the separatism when supporting the secession of the Serbian county of Kosovo, in February of 2008. 

Few doubt now that Osetia of the South will finish being integrated sooner or later in the Russian Federation that has deployed military bases in both republics to contain the expansion of the NATO. The necessity to correct "a historical" injustice the prosaic reason that Putin offered to deploy in February of 2014 its troops in the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea was, low Russian control up to 1954. Taking advantage of the hole of power in Kiev and the supposed threat ultranationalist, the Russian leader supported a referendum of independence that drove later one month to the annexation of the territory, inhabited for the most part for Russian. 

Later on, he explained that the Kremlin could not allow in any case that the USA and the NATO robbed their ships, they installed their radars and they deployed their missiles in Crimea, strategic point for the control of the Black sea. The sanctions international non they scared to Putin didn't doubt to support the armed rebellion that exploded subsequently in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, and that it ended in a bloody war between the separatists Russian pro and Kiev. 

Although the Kremlin has never recognized the shipment of regular troops, it is known that military Russian combat in the lines of the insurgent militias that, according to Kiev, they have also received financing and armament of Moscow. Although Putin transformed secretly of State the data about the military drops into times of peace, diverse sources speak that they were the Russian reinforcements those that changed the direction of the war exactly when the Ukrainian Army had taken the initiative in August of 2014 and February of 2015. 

Now, Russia has gone aboard in a new adventure to militate abroad, in Syria, with the declared objective of putting an end again to the threat terrorist Islamite, since, he adduces, it is better to combat outside of the frontiers that in your own territory. As it happened with the USSR in Afghanistan, he has been the Syrian president, Bachar El Asad, the one that requested military help to Putin who has sent a squadron of airplanes and helicopters to take from of their dens to the yihadistas of the Islamic State (IS). 

This is the form of making political of the Russian government they didn't find news of construction of new highways of creation of new railroads of increase of wheat production and cereals of expansion of Russian banks won't see new models of Russian automobiles they won't have within their reach apparat mobile of telephony, they didn't cure them medications designed in Russian laboratories and this way a thing after another. 

The alone Russian state already lives off the petroleum and the gas I simply believe that it is because he needs it the army and because it simply leaves holing the floor and with everything and with that the cut of extraction of the Russian petroleum is of the highest in the world Moscow that has elaborated its budget for next year thinking of a barrel of 100 dollars, with 20 or 40 less dollars it will suffer a budgetary deficit that will be added to the effects of the sanctions and the slope of the price of the ruble.    

What it punishes that the military doctrine promulgated recently by Putin that says is "exclusively defensive", but it includes an ambitious person it programs of it rearms whose objective is to maintain the nuclear parity with USA, don't change and return concretely to a culture of political opening toward its next neighbor that is Europe and forget once and for all that one day they attacked them and they invaded some armies that came western of this the last time already 70 years ago. 

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