sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012


What things he has the crisis, the Catalan that we are fighting to maintain our personality and history in front of the wrong treatment in general with the one that you toasts to our singularity, for the Spanish governments are of the color that they are, and that he extends to a lot of part from the Spanish society to the one that you always manipulated in our against offering them a very slanted vision of the reality by means of declarations and opinion articles contrary to the reality of Catalonia, we will meet thanks to the crisis of Spain with the perfect justification to our recoveries of wrong fiscal treatment of which we are being always victims.  

Surprisingly everything points that again the sentence that the truth puts to all in its place it will complete, this time the example of the fiscal inequality that we suffer in Catalonia will be very difficult of denying Spain its reason, but that will make visible this reality to all the eyes of the Spaniards won't be the explanation of the government from Spain, but the one that the Spaniards that decided to live in Catalonia, not for feeling, if not for own profit, very I bid by the way, now they will see like they are not well tried exaggeratedly by its own national government and for the rest of its nation. 

The first test of the bad luck of to be Catalan or to live and to work in Catalonia will be the own fact of charging a payroll, to buy a housing, to open a company or to put gasoline. The crisis has caused that good part of the autonomous Governments rushes to go up taxes to reduce the deficit while other they resist, at the moment to it. Catalonia on the other hand leaves in the obligation to maintain the highest marginal type in Spain that reaches 56% for the highest rents, while Madrid applied a maximum obligation of 51,9%.  

A directive or executive of certain level of a multinational for example whose salary means ascends to 700.000 annual Eurus, he will pay in Madrid around 320.000 Eurus for IRPF after the ascent of taxes approved by Rajoy. In Catalonia, this same one taxpaying he would pay 335.000 Eurus, that is to say, 15.000 more Eurus. The fiscal experts alert that the high rents will look for formulas for not paying in Catalonia. I don't know what you formulate they will be but the typical thing is that one gives they locate toward other fiscal addresses of the nation, in this sense, Esperanza Aguirre and she no longer studies to increase its fiscal, if not to reduce its autonomous tract.  

The differences also take place in other tributes like that of the tax on patrimonial transmissions that it burdens the sale and purchase of housings of second hand. It is the case of Catalonia that elevated to 8% the obligation. Andalusia, Aragon and Extremadura were a step further on and they established tracts in function of the price of the housing. In Cantabria, for example, the housings that cost more than 300.000 Eurus pay to 10%. If a Spanish citizen decides a house used by value of 150.000 Eurus in Andalusia to be bought he will pay 12.000 Eurus. On the other hand, if the buys in Galicia, Madrid or The Rioja will pay 10.500 Eurus, a difference of 1.200 Eurus. 

On the other hand, to formalize a mortgage or other notary’s steps, as opening a company, it bears to apply the tax of documented juridical acts. The Government of the Catalonia has just included in his budgets for this year an increase of this tax from 1,2% to 1,5% it is the highest type in all Spain. This obligation, in the case of the purchase of housings, is applied on the quantity of the loan. That is to say, to sign a mortgages credit of 200.000 Eurus supposes in Catalonia to pay to Treasury 3.000 Eurus, while in most of communities, for the same example, the tributary invoice would ascend to 2.000 Eurus.  

 In general terms, Catalonia, Andalusia and Extremadura appear in the podium of communities with higher types while Madrid and Murcia highlight to apply smaller obligations. The Valencia Community, one of the more ones gets in debt of Spain and that also they won't complete the deficit objective, was part of this last group up to now. The Government of the Valencia Generalitat will elevate the type marginal maximum of the IRPF until 54% in front of 52% that apply most of communities of the common régime. 

If my kind reader has been attentive to the article it will have checked that surprisingly always this Madrid like the community that more it favors his inhabitants loading them of less taxes, curious truth, in fact the capital of the nation, there where the works flourish everywhere, where there are more inhabitants for square meter, the one that shows off and it is possibly certain that he has meter and the service of more municipal transport and but cheap of europa, where the price of the floor and of the housing it is the most expensive in Spain, there where they are established the headquarters of the biggest national, and international companies, where they are forged the big business, and naturally where it is established the whole apparatus of government of the nation and the King, are that it is the community that less taxes apply. 

As it can be possible, it is that they make trap, not they don't make any trap, the trap makes it the Spanish state, the one that considers basic that the national power, this represented by the great capital metropolis of Spain, and for they love it that it is the more ones, the biggest, the most beautiful, the most important in everything, and now it seems that also the cheapest and the most favored so that it continues growing and growing, until getting that Spain is practically Madrid. 

The fact of this fiscal inequality between a Spanish of Madrid and a Spanish of Catalonia, and I believe me that of other places, it is not another that Madrid has three administrations that spoil it and they breastfeed it: it is the Capital of Spain, he has the government in her, it is City he has their City council, and so that was not less they also made it Autonomous Community, result receives contributions for all sides, otherwise it is not explained, because in theory to maintain a mega city like Madrid, it should be more expensive than to maintain Valencia or Andalusia puts for case, but it is not they come this way already it, so alone there is an explanation and it is that the fiscal scales in Spain are not homogeneous or rather equal. 

But they already come you if before all these incongruities, a society like the Catalan is irritated and she requests solutions and her autonomous government, he dares to outline the central government a new fiscal treatment that allows to self-finance more reasonably according to the creation of her GDP, a military lunatic she wants to invade us again and he is that they also come from the USA and they declare us garbage, hear we act once and for all, I told it yesterday and I repeat it "worse we cannot be" we will please look for another future   

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