martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012


The sovereign debt that abstract figure that takes us to the ruin to this and all the countries of Europe, stops to be abstract in the moment that you analyze because and that it is, the sovereign debt is not more than the result of the imbalance among what a country and its government spend, and what they are able to collect, by means of its commercial scale, and the different taxes that it applies their taxpayers, if the revenues (direct and indirect) they cover the expenses there is not debt, if they don't arrive to the balance there is budgetary deficit and then the state believes a new tax to which I don't know why, they call it Sovereign Debt instead of a "sovereign debt" and with her it covers their defaces. 

This definition is a total euphemism as so many others that are used to camouflage some truths you inconvenience, but it is already well of making as if the society is ignorant or immature unable to see the things just as they are. The debt of the state is a tax to the society that is not legislated as such. The sovereign debt is a tax that we have to pay all besides the IVA the IRPF and the other taxes that the state settles down, think if not who will pay the sovereign debt finally, you, me and all us, since the debt owes it the state and the state we are all. 

Of there, the importance to legislate the capacity of the sovereign debt of a country, because in fact when a country emits debt it is emitting taxes to its society, and this bears I eat now it has happened to that Spain and its society enter in a deep recession that introduces us in a curl of very difficult exit. This reality is necessary to take out it to the light because otherwise it can take to deceit to the society that continues claiming some social benefits that are not it, but rather they are services that are paid, or with cash, or to terms with interests through the taxes and of the sovereign debt. 

In the democratic and capitalist western world, there is not he swims free, the services to the facilitated society and negotiated by the state, they are not for grace and any government's favor, they are paid services with Eurus coming from the taxes, there are not another source neither another reality, although the shift government tries to dress him so that it seems his grouper, and that he wants to make think to the society that he pays few taxes and he has many services at your disposal, result of the deceit, bolted sovereign debt (Greece Spain and Italy the examples). 

This is the reality, for that reason because although I have always maintained that the European sovereign debt should become unified, I should also express that understand the reticence of Germany and other countries to accept it, because if they make it in fact that they make it is to go up the taxes to its respective societies, another thing is that it maintains my opinion that if this problem doesn't become unified globally to be able to minimize it, at the end it affected like a gangrene to all the European societies, but this is already another topic. 

What I seek today by means of this article, that is to say to the Spanish society that doesn't allow to made a mistake for the wordiness of the politicians that they use and they abuse of the good faith of the society, making see that they are stupendous that make highways that make airports that give us free a sanity that give us some pensions thanks to their good one to make and almost magnanimity, etc. doesn't allow ourselves to deceive, all this gives it to us ourselves with our taxes. So when we claim that we want more services on the part of the state, care! We are requesting that they go up us the taxes, and then don't complain. 

The government should not be an entity that governs us, that it maintains us, it should be an entity that negotiates the freedoms, the security, the law that guarantees the general civil order of the country, but care with that gracefully offers us: subsidies, sanity, education, etc. The government is not an insurance company and if we want to transform it into something similar, we must be aware of the cousin of the policy that we will pay. And here the contradiction enters, the politicians for the desire of the votes have taken us to a confusion that today takes us to the ruin and the recession, the governments have given us a state of the good to be whose cousin cannot pay, but that they have not told it to us because didn't interest them to lose her position of angels of the guard, when in fact they were making of taken advantage of cheats. 

Now he/she comes the to crack of bones and squeaking of teeth, prepare as because to put all this in their fair balance will hurt us and a lot, prepare as to understand that maybe it would be better than administers us ourselves many of the social services that up to now seemed that they gave us, because we would probably make it better and cheaper, since our governments, have the bias to spend more than that it is necessary in things that they are not necessary us. 

In the same way it is necessary to leave this that we demand more hardness of the state in the imposition of norms of contention of commercial margins, but control to the financial activities in general (non taxes) I speak of control and normative of performance, and mainly not to spend more than what the society can pay, and here the problem is. What it is what the society can and it is willing to pay, there is an impressive hole created by the modern politics here, they are the politicians who decide it, and the society the one that pays it and this cannot continue this way, because if the recession is a fact this means that it is necessary to do without of many expenses or for against creating many revenues. 

There is not any other road, in the capitalist economy the miracles don't exist, alone the power of the money exists and or one has or it is requested borrowed, but then they already come it, it is necessary to pay it. I believe that the exit to this tangle is unfortunately the total privatization, and the slope of taxes to the possible maximum, to get that the civil and managerial society starts, it is necessary to go down the roof of the budgets from the state to the indispensable kitten, and this would have to look for the way that can mark it the society that is who pays, the example it is simple reason so many minister, so much reason exercises, reason so much advice of deputies, reason so many senators, reason so many community governments, reason so many autonomous communities who he decides it, the government who pays it the society. I say that less government should have and to let that the society is administered for if same according to its possibilities, otherwise there won't be reactivation and certainly the 2013 will be exactly same or worse that the 2012.  

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