viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

G20 - I noticed It the murderers they finish off their victims and this way had been

The reality is imposed to the dreams and the illusions, for very well deliberate that are, yesterday Thursday morning before beginning the G20 and before being known the result of the Greek situation, he wrote the following thing: We are today before an unusual case, the Union Europe faces a meeting with the devouring sharks and murderers of its own economy, with the hope that they aid her to cure its wounds. I believe that this doesn't work this way, the posture of Europe is of such a weakness that the most normal thing is that to the scent of the little blood that we have left it, the decision is to devour us completely, this it is my vision in this respect of the results of today's of the G20 meeting. 

And this way had been, not alone we have made the ridicule, if not that we have shown it to all our opponents, we have given them all the weapons so that they finish off us, because in our interest to request them helps, I believe that we have shown them our too open letters and they have seen that we don't have any play type, alone a couple, and with that he doesn't leave anywhere. The chancellor, Angela Merkel, she has announced in Cannes that difficultly some country of the G20 will participate in the bottom of European, clearer rescue the water. 

And it doesn't finish the thing here, after the sad show of Greece, the fear to a new illuminated ruler that seeks to be glorified swindling to its country and the world markets, has caught palpable form in the figure of Berlusconi and the bills of Italy. Merkel, she has made an effort in qualifying of positive that the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) he supervises Italy, under the ferocious pressure of the financial markets, and their advances with the economic reformations through formless every three months. That she will make and to say, after the ridicule shown in front of all. 

The absurdities multiply on the part of the organization of the G20, the directress manager of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, she has said that the organism only ready to countries, and not to entities, for what won't lend to the of European rescue. (FEEF). And in the same tessitura, the big emergent economies contained in the BRICS have said that they are willing to contribute the FEEF, but only through the delivery of resources to the IMF. For what you leave, they don't understand it, because if they are willing to contribute economic strength to the FEEF, but not directly if not through the IMF that didn't contribute anything to the FEEF that they are I relent and to the one who are helping in summary anybody, "survive the one that can." 

As it finishes off to the global situation and the law of the forest that it has always been and it will be the global economy. The countries of the G20 concluded today the summit of Cannes and they adopted a global strategy for the growth and the employment that he insists in the "coordination of all their members" and in that each one "makes their part" to propitiate the recovery. More confusion cannot already have, perhaps it is the translation of the agency of news, but if I am not mistaken here there are two opposed actions that they are annulled one to the other one: On one hand they manifest that they will insist in the coordination of all their members, and in the following sentence they say that each one makes their part to propitiate the recovery, translation another time, "survive the one that can" 

The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, the same as the chancellor Merkel no longer knows that to say neither that face to put, and the man was congratulated today in press wheel by the results of the summit of Cannes, according to his opinion, I transform that exposed in the previous paragraph as a good news, for Sarkozy that each country has committed to adopt measures in favor of the world recovery, according to its economic conditions and without any coordination type it is something very good. It should be very visionary, I sincerely understand that each country will make what seems him to go every better time and joder to the neighbor that is left or lag behind. 

The advanced economies have committed, "to adopt politicians to restore the trust" and to continue "in a clear and believable" way with the measures for the fiscal consolidation. That have surplus for bill current, should commit to reformations that motivate the internal demand, also accompanied with a bigger flexibility in the exchange rates, according to the final official statement. Any concretion for anybody, only (bla bla bla.)  

Sarkozy also referred to the attitude of stability with Greece "that has risen in that country one taking of conscience indispensable" politics that, in its opinion, they are creating "a consent on the agreement of October" 27. It is in the only thing on that I agree, but that it is not deceived, it has not been the G20 clear, since he has requested the control on the other one disobedient Italian. Fact that Berlusconi doesn't doubt it won't allow, so the week next government change in Italy. 

Well like they come the G20 it has acted as what is, a meeting of nations and political whose interest and reason of being, are to look for their own and nonnegotiable market that they meet of so much as long as to see of making but I negotiate and to check who it is necessary to come close and of who it is necessary to escape as of the pest, in this place it is where they have placed us to the nations of the Euro Area. And if we are not able to interpret this way it, to create our own initiatives, to take out us of above our heavy loads, so that what is this but slight and I clean to begin to run a the good address, of this we don't leave, because nobody goes us to help, rather just the opposite, the test of it is it the final point of the meeting. The members of the G20 reaffirmed their commitment to resist to the protectionism "in all their forms" and to advance in the calendar of the multilateral trade. It is clear not, SURVIVE THE ONE THAT CAN. 

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