sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


My followers know that this that finally has happened, I come it announcing ago at least two years, finally I arrive officially, now no longer they will be able to refuse that occident has lost the battle of the world economic supremacy. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the five well-known countries for their initials like BRICS, they have given green light to the creation of the Bank of Development and of a monetary bottom baptized as Agreement of Reservations of Contingency, during I SAW it Summit that those five emergent countries took place today in Strength (Brazil). 

The first thing on that I base myself to give to the new world like winner, is their own initials in English BRICS that surprisingly or they don't resemble each other to the word "brick" (ladrillo en español), this way this acronym BRICS gives the sensation of force, of hardness, and of physical stability for its likeness to its meaning "brick", it is clear that its western opponent PIGS (credos en español) he gives a completely contrary, but very exact idea of what is passing in one and another world scenario, the things they are this way, it is so undoubtedly until the chance it puts everything in its fair point, some are strong and hard and the other ones dirty and groceries. 

The two created financial institutions could be described as the alternatives from the BRICS to the arisen institutional couple of the agreements of Breton Woods and favored by United States: the World Bank and the IMF, respectively and one can add the BCE that counts less than a book of mathematics of the first one of basic. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will contribute to the bank an initial payment of 50.000 million dollars, 10.000 million each one. Also, amplification has already been authorized until the 100.000 million dollars to the call New Bank of Development whose headquarters will be located in the Chinese city of Shanghái. 

India will occupy the first presidency of shift of the entity to be the country that proposed the creation of this organism and later it will be assumed by Brazil, Russia, South Africa and China, in that order. The maximum responsible for the advice of Governors will be designated by Russia, while the head of the advice of Directors will be proposed by Brazil. Both positions will be revolving. In turn, the Fund of Reservations will be endowed with 100.000 millions, of those that China will contribute 41.000 million; Russia, Brazil and India 18.000 million each one and South Africa the 5.000 remaining millions. This bottom will be used by the countries of the BRICS to make in front of international monetary turbulences.  

As they explained, with the birth of these economic mechanisms the five countries look for to balance the influence of West in the global financial order. This way, they seek to reduce their dependence regarding the IMF, when constituting their own mechanism. This way, the BRICS expressed their "disagreement" and "serious concern" with the fact that the IMF has not implemented the reformations agreed in 2010 and he requested to the Bank World more “democratic government structures” and an "invigoration of the financial" capacity of the entity.  

It is then evident that have won, in this cluster this the world population's 70%, not counting alone with the series heads but for their influence market maybe more, in him this the whole factory of world production, and little by little 70% of the world consumption will be, before this that can offer occident single two things, or the rendition without conditions, or just the opposite the most extreme separation among the two worlds; to try to mix, to negotiate, or to be so dreamer that we will be able to dominate them because they continue speaking in dollars, it is an Anglo-Saxon stupidity characteristic of the incredible ones that they continue seeing them as Indians to some and yellow strangers to others. 

Possibly the one in route to continuing is to lock in the western continents before it is late, clearer statement the UE and the USA should close lines, not to open them, it is necessary to reinvent another time the occident economy, it is necessary to become self-sufficient, there is that reindustrialized so much Europe as it USA and this is to make it in not more than 5 years, and when I say to industrialize, I refer to heavy industry, to basic industry, not alone to the high technology that should be the most advanced thing, but in these moments occident he has too much unemployment, too much deficit, and very little basic GDP, the economic force of occident it is today single numbers and financial engineering, but with this we won't already be able to compete. 

"The process of reformation of the IMF should take it to the modernization of its government structure so it already reflects the fear to the growing weight of the emergent economies in the development in the world economy; among other things it is necessary to also reconsider the political action. In the combined declaration, the BRICS recognized the importance of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) "in the promotion of the democracy and the peace in the region and in the attainment of sustainable development and eradication of the poverty."  

Political or not they say that - we Renovate our disposition for the increase of the commitment with other countries, in particular with those in development and with emergent economies of market, as well as with international and regional organizations, everything it with a view to increasing the cooperation and the solidarity in their relationships with all the nations and the towns - us my friends, not alone we don't commit to anything with other cultures and towns, but rather we don't commit neither with ourselves, because good there are our culture, our civilization and our survival. 

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