jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

First conclusion: When somebody sends the other ones they obey.

Of all that today has been passing in Europe, I don't want to reach any conclusion until knowing more results of the meeting of the G20, it is necessary to be cautious because the certain thing is that there still is not any conclusion black on white. Nevertheless if there is a lesson that I don't want to allow to pass for high. This first lesson of the day is that when there is control in square the troop it marks the step, that simple and clear. 

This example cannot spend for high, I believe that the overturn given to the without control situation that the attitude of Greece and its first minister Papandréu, it has been good to demonstrate two truths that we all know, but that nobody wants to believe them, one is that the national independence, it cannot be maintained in an Union of Nations like he seeks to stay. And the other one is that in the face of the panic of the total cataclysm of the European Union, two personalities have caught the baton and they have begun to direct and to send to the soloists, the result at the moment is well to the white, the unconsciousness or the particular plan, of the one who being procession one has wanted to pass of soloist, you ends up. 

There is not more than to demonstrate, they are not necessary me many more words to sustain my theory, we have to solve the debt, the unique an single fiscal law, the homogeneous labor laws, the common budgetary control, the common market laws, the operative ones and control of the common banking, in short we must compose the common EUROPEAN UNION and really, and that like one makes, like until today this is made not certainly, with a central federal government with control on the other ones, and I don't eat up to now with figures and made structures so that they are below the national individualities of the union. 

I would love an Europe without nations, but this no longer dares to request it, maybe they lack some few ones but of years and generations, but that that yes it has been clear it is that it is necessary a control in firm and superior square, in a word, what they have made this time the Merkel and Sarkozy, the problem this in that they could make it in these alone moments them two, for what they represent in the Union, this is certain, but good if it is this way, maybe it should be the tonic during a time that the presidents from France and Germany of common agreement send, being distributed the tasks or like be, until they guide the Union but definitively and they can end up finally creating governments of air federalist, independent, structure and accepted by all the component nations of the European Union.  

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