lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015


The president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, he has said today that there was a "strong will" among the countries of the UE to satisfy the British demands to carry out reformations in the block, but there was not consent on the proposal of London of braking the immigration of the rest of the block. In a letter to the leaders of the UE, published by the Council, the former first Polish minister that will preside over the summit of next week, said that it was urgent to find an agreement with the first British minister, David Cameron. "Our objective is to find solutions that satisfy the first British minister expectations, and to consolidate the bases at the same time on those that the UE" is based, Tusk wrote. 

The uncertainty on the future of the United Kingdom in the European Union, is a factor of constant destabilization, with this I don't say anything new for the Great Britain playing the mouse and the cat with the rest of European Union is a stratagem that London has always used, to obtain benefits or to avoid obligations of all type, while Great Britain has taken advantage in a scandalous way of all us the fools of the continental Europeans, the UE has transformed it mainly to London into the true financial capital of Europe, it is very possible that the money is manufactured in Frankfurt and that he stays in the BCE but the finances are all in London, most of the investment funds the fixation of the price of the basic matters in dollars, they are directed and negotiated from London and for more shame they are deposited and also valued in Eurus, currency that is not the official one in Gran Britain. 

Now the situation of the European Union this so bad one that London wants to leave, but as good heirs of the old school of the corsairs and the imperialists, they want to make it without it seems that the blame is his or that they are them those that break the friendships, because London and England know for experience that is never bad a conquered enemy, if he has money or goods with those that to negotiate and that but with the European Union if it will continue existing in Germany France etc.… For this reason, Great Britain won't still break up with the European Union, he will hope to see if it gets it is the European Union the one that breaks up with Great Britain and the reason already has it. London will plant in the matter of the refugees and he will refuse in round to admit or to collaborate with the CE in this aspect like in so many other it no longer collaborates, I believe sincerely that the pressure that this caused will make that the own CE is seen in the logical necessity of considering Great Britain outside of the European Union  

Gotten objective London will negotiate its exit it will be as that friend that will always be there for when we need it above it will negotiate that its financial square, he can go to the Eurozone stupendously because from London he will be able to negotiate better already with the area dollar and the incipient area of the Chinese Yuan that like they already remember this included in the basket of foreign currencies of the IMF, they as a neuter empire will maintain like refuge its Sterling Libra that they will continue being the appropriate foreign currencies for the bleach or financial operations of better or smaller fortune next to the Swiss Franco and this it is the reality that I omen to not more to take happens during the first semester of 2016. 

Undoubtedly this can take as added consequence the I unbalance political in the continental Europe it is already the CE or the Eurozone, because it is evident that between the English position and the more than the French socialists' probable disappearance in the second turn of the elections in France, it will be impossible to maintain an agreement posture with the problem of the immigration, it is evident that France with the right and the republicans won't admit more immigrant, it is more I omen that if you confirms the victory of the French right he goes to have Arab immigrants' many expulsions from France to their respective origin countries. Now you calculate if Great Britain doesn't want more immigrant if France neither and if the immigrants all want to go to Germany the bill he doesn't have any incognito one to solve, Germany cannot become "Afrimany." 

I have analyzed this analysis of the future present time that he waits for us from two points one the economic one and the other one that of the migration of the north and Africa center toward Europe, but I eat conclusion of this analysis I want to leave clear that what I am commenting is nothing else and anything less the first victory of the Islam Europe has more than enough, because they are not deceived more, the imbalance is behind all this that so many times my followers have read me on the migration of the next east and of the Africa Central, when I maintain that it is not normal, it is an act perfectly planned from the multimillionaire kings of the petroleum that have seen as the petroleum like source of unique wealth has ended, the prices don't ascend again because the consumption falls and the appearance of new technologies and energy have taken it to almost be a product of low cost. 

In the face of this reality it is evident that the Arab and African world of Muslim ideology that there are up to now been able to maintain to line to their millions of citizens thanks to the millions of dollars of the petroleum, they come that this will no longer be possible and I eat during those more than 50 years that this has lasted, they have not made he swims at all to create other work sources and of national resources, now they have more than enough nations and societies, and they know that millions of Arab Muslims or Africans won't be able to eat neither to live in their respective origin places, because there is not anything, single petroleum that has become a pestilent and polluting product that almost this rejected for that reason, for pestilent and for pollutant for the culture and the western and oriental capitalist world. 

And this it is the reason of the wars and of the migrations it is necessary to readjust the national structures and the population in the whole African continent from the Mediterranean until the tropic of Capricorn and in this vast extension gentlemen readers there is not anything and if many millions of mouths that to feed, the owners of the petrodollars, want to keep those that they have left and those that take place to continue living with the oriental luxury to which they don't want to give up and they know that they won't be able to him to get, if they don't empty the continent of inhabitants despaired to pass hunger and trivial wars, this matter is not in if weapons are sold among nations or through the black market, the matter is in that these weapons become against them and them what you/they attempt it is to make believe to these desperate ones, it is that the blame is our to see of deviating the shots, people and the hunger toward our world. 

This is what they began to value the Russian now they come it the Englishmen and it seems to be that the French that want to the national right to the fret of their country, already go also taking note because among some and other this Spain undoubtedly the advantage that we have is that we were already Arab during more than seven centuries maybe of something will be worth us in the next future. 

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