viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


Spain is a problem in itself, and without solution, this reality seems that it doesn't advance toward a definitive and real solution in spite of the time and the history, the problem of non alone Spain is the economy neither its debts neither its deficits, these they are the accuses the problem, but the bottom problem is that Spain is not able to become unified as unique society because in her too many feeling differences and personality exist. And this believes an almost pathological insecurity in our politicians, partly also because in our history there have still been few occasions, to form a totally democratic political tradition. 

This reality is rejected of plane by a great part of Spaniards, so each part each ideology, alone he wants to impose its vision and its sense of the truth, and for they are invented it government's outlines, political strategies, laws that are not completed, blunders and no adjust of all type, social and economic, this situation has always been this way, it is not necessary more than to read the history of Spain, it is full with political grafts, of kings non lovers, of saving dictators, of unsuccessful republics, and now already in the height of the heights for a not very convincing democracy. 

And it is that in our but recent history, our wrong to make continues without changes, 34 years ago when we are offered to the political class them to reform occasion the democratic state of Spain, we didn't dare, we welcomed ourselves to create a Kingdom, apparently we could not go alone for our house, we need the figure of a father like a sign that reminds us that we owe to somebody only power station that we are unable to stay autonomously, and this is not by no means any critic to their Majesty the King, neither to their presence in the modern history, it is simply a fact that I verify and that it reflects the insecurity of the political class of the Spanish nation.  

It is incredible also the creation of 17 problems that nobody requested, didn't have any secession reclamation neither separation, they simply thought about some motivated differential status and chords to a form of feeling its history and personality on the part of some few Spaniards, and another time the centralist Spain it felt fear, but what type of fear it exists in the central Spain, I have always asked it to me: To the political disintegration, or the lost of economic resources that would carry to admit these differences, be it that will be and since they had just left a dictatorship, the politicians didn't dare neither to refuse for the force of the facts, neither to configure a Spain of three personalities cohabiting meetings.  

The solution already knows it to transform Spain into 17 new Spain with the purpose of that among so much diversity, all were similar of different, what would take place according to the parents of the idea the national unit, difficult to understand since truth here is the results impossible to sustain. 

It is our but, before a problem Spain believes numerous solutions, and it gets this way possibly that the problem is diluted among the solutions and hide, because certainly it is not solved, but it is on the contrary the problem it is divided in search of pleasing each one of the solutions, being created with it infinity of problems, now it is passing the same thing with the economy. Spain tries to attack a problem with many and incomplete solutions that like leave none it works. 

And this because it happens, because he returns to make the same thing, it begins to create solutions and but you solve for a problem, the economic crisis and it begins: that if you clip that if change of regulations that you readjust bank that if I put taxes that if I don't put them that if I go up the IVA that if I don't go up it that if I make co paid that I don't make it that I don't make budget that when I make it I see that all the above-mentioned doesn't serve, and that it happens because that Spain leaves again to the well who he will believe that here there is a government that knows what is made.  

And among so many useless solutions, the necessary ones the truly effective ones the Spanish government and the country cannot carry out them, because at the moment the surrender of powers to the CE., they disable it of acting in an individualized way, Spain should follow some instructions and some premises which cannot complete them, unless he receives the help of the superior entity that conditions it but the government of the PP denies it an and another time he doesn't want him to be this that he needs help and he won't request it and his answer will be to locate at Spain in the place that the current government can dominate her it informs that is to say in the misery and the politics of the years 50.  

This is the solution, for the Spanish politicians of the PP this will never recognize it, until it is too much afternoon, because another time it happens this, because they are totally insecure, they feel that if they face with seriousness and putting the precise and concrete arguments before those that can really solve it, will punish them, they will put them from face to the wall or something similar, maybe yes, because certainly the created situation is shameful, but it is that there is not another exit. 

Spain doesn't have like one says "possible" to leave its bog, but the government remains silent and it will ruin the country before recognizing that it cannot continue exclusively with a politics of reduction of expenses, it is that the situation of Spain is that, it is that Spain has decreased alone for lack of revenues and for the obligations of its excessive payments. We have to put order in the house, because if not the alternative is much worse. As they come others to make the budgets he will see you what is settling of accounts", the minister De Guindos has manifested. We are already another time, threats, fear, fear, insecurity, shame, this is not form of outlining the situation to the society on the part of a minister of economy, hear they recognize that they don't know but and request help that they come how many more better than they teach us because we have made it not well very bad. 

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