martes, 10 de abril de 2012


The Agency Tributary prevue that 19,1 millions of declarations of the Tax are presented on the Rent of Physical People (IRPF) corresponding to 2011, of those that 14,6 millions (76,4%) they will be with right to refund, for a dear amount of 10.955 million Eurus. Also, four million declarations will come out to declare, for an amount dear group of 6.308 million Eurus. The campaign on the IRPF will begin May 3 and it will conclude July 2, although today the discharge of fiscal data begins and of drafts. 

If this estimate well made thing is that I don't doubt, because I don't believe that they are political those that have calculated it, are that the deficit of the operation IRPF of the past 2011 will give a negative result of 4.600 million Eurus. The question is obvious: this calculated in the budgets of the state was and in the cuttings of the deficit. And if we imagine that if, the following question is that has happened if the parameters of the tax are not gone up, and that it spent next year in that the unemployed will be more, the less benefits. 

The career undertaken by the government from Spain is untenable, against but you work he takes in saving form or lost cuttings he will obtain, the tremendous imbalance of the Spanish economy is not solved attacking alone one of the variables, that is to say the subtraction maybe has forgotten it but in mathematics the subtraction cannot be bigger than the minuend and gentlemen minister of economy and finances this is what they are getting with its apocalyptic measures. I already understand that it is difficult the situation but this doesn't justify that you don't want to accept it, they are acting of equal it forms and ways that he was making our particular Attila the Mr. Zapatero, the one denied the crisis, and you are denying the fact that there is not exit to the crisis.  

And there is not her because the Spanish crisis is different to the European crisis, to have if they understand it once and for all: In Europe there are some countries that have some good industries some solid banks some governments that squander less, and mainly that they have not corrupted to their society locating them in a state of grace very above the economic reality of which they prepared. Now when the world situation is removed changing everything, these countries take refuge in its own economic structure, they lower the activity, it goes up them a little the unemployment, their banks pass some difficulty, but the society waits and it doesn't change him too much the life, they will lengthen but the purchase of a new car, they bought furniture of IKEA, they will leave a little less, and they waited until the situation recovers and everything puts on to rhythm another time again.  

In Spain all this is not, no Spanish government has attempted if he wants to copy the European way of life, man for that reason is said that Spain is different, there is the reality here in Spain: There is not industrial fabric that sustains anything, the Spanish banks des capitalized are absolutely, the economic system in that you support the country, understand it once and for all it has DISAPPEARED completely, but it is that besides being disappeared it almost also should completely, and they don't make me say where they went to stop the benefits while I last, because I will answer them that there were never them that those benefits are today in the national deficits and in the debts of banks and of the state, because the reality is that the Spanish miracle was a bubble of smoke. 

And contrary to our neighbors, in Spain the shift governments acted as if was really illuminated, the PP one dedicates to privatize everything with their friends, des capitalize the little industry of the country, making some brutal and ramshackle business for example "Terra" remembers it, let us no longer speak of Iberia Spanish Airlines, Etc. and they were devoted to make infrastructures for an industrial development and geo-economics that neither it existed, neither there was intention of creating, but that if the foreign investment and the politics of compensations of the CE allowed it, then those of the PSOE between legislature and legislature, were devoted to locate to the Spanish society at some levels that I assure them they were the astonishment of the Europeans. But that if they coincided with the PP in not creating any base that it sustained it. 

There is not more miracle that this reality, and this situation translated to numbers tells you that the subtraction is bigger than the minuend, and already the minister Montoro and the minister De Guindos can say what they want, or the minuend or the subtraction that we are increase us the society in Spanish general and the own country, we leave without fail to make company to the Greeks, as soon as possible they tell it to us less we will suffer and with less loads of debts and disappointments we will be able to undertake our new life.  

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