lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


The European Union is possibly played in France in the presidential elections of that country, this gives that to think and mainly he gives that to think the Spaniards that we should realize once and for all that we don't go this way anywhere, we are the "ping-pong" ball with which Germany and France play in their leisure whiles, because it is that we also are not good them for anything but, neither we are in the decisions we don't count in the strategies, in short we are a zero to the left in the European economy. 

But we will already return to this reality, now we go to what interests us because it interests us and a lot what they bring gets the French results of the presidential ones, basically it is in game nothing else and anything less that the economic pattern of Europe for the next future if there is him. The current president from France, Nicolas Sarkozy, bet yesterday to open the debate on the extension of the support of the command of the European Central Bank (BCE) to the economic growth. The French will begin a debate, Sarkozy affirmed.  

In opinion of the candidate to the reelection of the French Presidency, if we don't change Europe, if we didn't create a production Europe, of investment, we won't be able to have growth. If the BCE doesn't support the growth, we won't have an enough growth. At the present time, the command of the BCE is to maintain the stability of prices in the area euro and it doesn't include the application of measures to support or to encourage the growth. That is to say the BCE follows the guidelines of Germany blindly, to which he doesn't lack in fact, industrial and commercial growth some. 

These declarations carried out yesterday for Sarkozy they would suppose a rupture with the thesis that the German chancellor maintains Angela Merkel who has always found an ally in the French leader. This thesis is the one that pushes without control to the surveys that give Hollande an advantage of 10 points for the second turn of May 6. For that reason, the French leader's words were considered an answer to their socialist and favorite rival of the polls, François Hollande who has manifested their desire that Europe establishes clauses in favor from the growth to its new treaty of budgetary stability. 

It is vital for great part of Europe the change of economic address in the area euro, this is this way, what is not so clear is because being this way for years, it is necessary a national event of a country of the union, so that the foundations can move, this demonstrates that there is not European Union no matter how much they try to show it politically and economically to the world or the markets as now he is denominated.  

So that that on one hand it is a critic, for another it is a hope of logical and necessary renovation, of the possibility of building a more global economic politics and chord with the reality of the europa of the euro, where 60% of its market capacity is falling in dive in such a way that the imbalance that has been created gives a relationship clearly contrary to the vital and necessary balance to finish with the attacks to the euro, to the sovereign debts, and to the budgetary deficits.  

If it is quantified in economic ratios it is detected that the economy of the euro, is centered in 60% in the countries of the north that alone they mean 40% of the union, and on the contrary 60 remaining% of the union one has to sustain with alone 40% of the economic potential that the euro area generates, this is very good for the partners of the North, and the death for those of the South, because 40% of resources that is for the area, is also not well distributed 70% since it is concentrated and France moves it. 

Well this it is the importance of the French elections, it seems that in a way or other, that is to say win who wins it will be seen in the obligation and the necessity of breaking the Germanic dictatorship of the selfish and Lutheran economy that alone he goes to them well because their concepts are from severity and fear to the temptations of the modernity, and they are based on the closeness like defensive weapon, escaping from the liberalism and the expansion more characteristic of the modern society in that I believe that most of societies of Europe are framed. 

This whole reflection doesn't exempt from responsibility to the Spanish society that doesn't finish knowing how to be located in the modern Europe, I have always said that for the changes of the history, Spain has sometimes been as an appendix of Europe annoying and other practically nonexistent one. And the truth is that for some reasons or other Spain has preferred this, to be unaware to the European events that not to participate in them. This provokes us two problems, one that don't have us in our consideration neighbors, and other the worst, is that we have not changed our way to be and of thinking, and we continue so locked in our anachronism that all that comes us of it was the we reject. 

Europe can change in two of months, it can be well the exit to the current stagnation for the change of political or for the break definitively of the Union, be like be, Spain will be positioned clearly and for it is necessary that he knows how first to be reconstructed inwardly, we cannot continue playing to be of everything that if Fascist that if republican that if monarchist that if nationalist that if of right or of left, it is necessary to decide it is necessary to be above all open to the society that surrounds us, it is necessary to be part of Europe, of the Europe that is after May, but it is necessary to take party and stay not behind the contained Pyrenees thinking again that they already called each other, this time I tell them that or we imply ourselves and we intervene or nobody didn't call us.  

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