viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


The European Union has failed in the summit of Lithuania, in its effort to revive the approach process from Ukraine to the Twenty-eight, in what constitutes an important political victory of bad Russia we go in the UE if what we value is the victory of Russia instead of wondering because the UE has failed. The European leaders were thoroughly used in this appointment dedicated to the relationship with the neighbors of this to convince the president Ukraine, Victor Yanukóvich, but this it rejected to unblock the association process with the UE that decided to freeze last week. 

The association agreement with Ukraine foresaw the establishment of an area of free market and a narrowing of the political cooperation. The pact, without offering a future adhesion to the European club, would have however firmly anchored Ukraine in the West. The Twenty-eight alone the adhesion of Georgia and Moldavia achieved to an association pre agreement that will become in definitive to next year. Brussels also offered Moldavia a flexibility of the régime of Visa for its citizens, a meager balance in front of the loss the main country of the region, Ukraine, with 46 million inhabitants and a strategic position in the nets of energy supply. 

The European leaders here gathered they were shown optimists however with regard to the possibility of reverting the course of the events. They are in a complete political limbo I don't understand as they don't realize that the UE no longer offers anything new to the old Soviet" "colonies the biggest difference that there was that it was the Soviet communism you finishes and the misery that then leave, non alone today he has decreased but rather almost it is inferior that that of many millions of united Europeans but rather they ask it to Portuguese Greeks and some Spanish regions. 

Europe trusts the pressure of the Ukrainian public opinion and an improvement of the conditions of the association agreement could convince Kiev to renew the process. But this optimism is single comfort of the suffering defeat the UE it is being a failure as it advances in the time and its imbalance goes back in the economy it is so enormous that in these moments Russia can think about to recover its old group of nations you already tune and not alone that but rather Russia overcame in not but of 20 years the current economic potential of the UE because the situation is there the following one the GDP 7% annual% it grows among the 6y and here in the UE we are happy of making it in a few ones tenth annual then since career this white with the time plundered us. 

There is not this way any advantage for the former communist countries the pressures of Moscow that it fights to avoid that Kiev leaves its influence orbit definitively, they prevailed in this stage. Short term, Yanukovich is guaranteed this way stability in the supplies of gas and to avoid the hard impact initial from the adaptation to the European market (and the obstacles to the exports of products to Russia that without a doubt Moscow would impose). The European offer represented a promise of long term civil and economic development without a doubt less interesting for a leader than it confronts in 2015 a hard reelection. The Ukrainian ones will judge if that performance responds to its interests. 

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