viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013


Periodic several today they present some hypothetical electoral results if is carried out elections today in Catalonia like given which manipulates them to their way I sit down in the necessity of making the same thing, all coincide in that ERC would win the elections to the Catalan Parliament and it would overcome CiU in two points, while C's would be the third force and the PSC the fourth if now there were elections, according to the Barometer of autumn of the Center of Studies of Opinion (CEO) of the Generalitat, presented this Friday for its director, Jordi Argelaguet. 

Well this is this way for several surveys and he/she doesn't have because to vary substantially because at the moment the situation in Catalonia is in a positioning of study of maneuvers orchestrated in the darkness to the search and preparation of the final battle on the consultation that Spain denied us, in all ways it is important to see that no matter how much the holders give them focuses of all type the crushing majority parliamentary independent’s that would be it is sign that the things in the society go forward and that the "Parlament" won't alter the result at the moment that the society demands. 

Let us see the results that he announces the it interviews: The republicans of ERC would get 24,2% of votes and 37-39 benches--now he/she has 21--, while CiU would achieve 22,2% of votes and 34-36 parliamentarian, in front of the 50 current. C's Ciudatans would have 15-17 deputies; the PSC, 14-16; the PP, 13-14; ICV-EUiA, 12-14, and the CUP would duplicate their representation with 6-7. Very well with these results you can load the inks in the sense that CIU loses 16 benches that surprisingly pass ERC the bills they are made comparing the minimum base of the forks of both and that makes this way it because then we will compare the minimum benches "independent’s” with the maxima non independent’s. 

Well clarified that CIU and ERC are balanced what favors to the political independent that ERC heads, and I continue comparing the possible forces of the "Parlament" in front of the question independent. They will see the favorable group to the secession of Spain the following "minimum CIU they would add 34; ERC 37; ICV-EUiA 12; and lastly the CUP 6. Total independent’s 89 benches or deputies. Now we go to the contrary side that is to say the groups that are against the application of independence to those that we will add them the high part of the fork C's Ciutatans 17; PSC 16; lastly the PP 14. Total 47 

As we know the one Catalan it converses this constituted by 135 deputies, so it is clear that most independent is guaranteed they put on like put on, this believes it is the reading that they should be made in the Spanish means and that they should publish and to advise that reads it to him the politicians from Madrid, don't interpret intentions or problems that don't have any importance except the one of distracting the public opinion. The bad thing of this is that the public opinion doesn't have to solve the political problem that approaches, while the obtuse government from Spain if, and it seems that he doesn't give him the desire of seeing the reality of the numbers and the intention of the Catalan society. 

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