viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


The action for yesterday surprise on the part of the BCE of lowering a simple 0,25 points the interest of the money that he lends has caused an earthquake in the financial markets, many wondered because an action that seems to favor the obtaining of money to be able to reactivate the battered European economies one causes it disappoints from such a caliber to the financial world, the explanation is very simple: with so many years of crisis and with the globalization of the world economy the markets reconverted is had in some vultures that feed of the waste of the moribund economies. 

The possibility that the UE by means of the change of posture of their maximum financial exponent the European" Central "Bank has put them nervous because they don't still know if this movement is because they will have but cadavers, or just the opposite, it will favor the slow take off, but take off after all, of the economies today already in state of decomposition, this dilemma is no more, no less what is reflected in the markets from having in the afternoon European hour. For if lacks another factor of distortion yesterday it leaves to bag Twitter and it is shot ascending as the foam what means not very more or less that you already leave business in the net, the low petroleum, the dollar is appreciated on the euro, many variables for some parasites that are no longer accustomed to simply move to give and to take. 

And there has been reaction quick devaluation of the rating of France anything less than 45%, because France simply because it is the only thing that they can toss below, with Germany they are not able to and the other ones he are already. But I am optimistic at least until the 14,30 Spanish hour that is when it will be given to know the employment fact in the USA like east comes out as good as the GDP we can see like the markets destroyed by the good news that it is possibly what will happen collapse if these parameters join, that is to say if the dollar is reassessed and the euro is devaluated, the low petroleum, the interests in europa lower, and the employment in the USA goes up the economic conditions they can be changing finally this it represents the necessity of the markets to change directions and strategies. 

I believe that this is what is about to happen I want to believe this way sooner or later it he had to pass the one on the way to the speculation like half of making business he ends up dying for the breathlessness of their own one I "oxygenate" they look I tell them now a fact that is to get scared but that it is certain: The money doesn't exist cash in the world that he is moving in the countable notes of the world markets. This is the reality and east is the real fact of the crisis of the western markets and that it has already arrived to the emergent ones. 

I believe that sooner or later this should come out to the light and it seems that it is already happening now we will see incomprehensible nerves we will possibly wonder because if now it seems that the things will be corrected because the markets fall then for the same reason that the bubbles fall remembers the "technological" one and that of the "subprime" and ours that of the brick, because the same thing the current markets are based on speculation bubbles and this can explode with the current movements but I don't believe that he is necessary to be afraid to this, because for a single time, the explosion of a bubble, it can save to the real world. 

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