viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


I believe that already unfortunately in the entire world know the waste and the corruption that there is camped to their wide ones for the Valencia Community, I fear myself him to be taken as example of bad politics practice and political in media of half world. In numerous reports and informative on the crisis economic Spaniard they have put to the Valencia Community in the window international today I should say them that I regret it very much but at the same time I love them that they should reflect because it happened them and it still happens them, to be example of how not to make the things.  

The "topic of the waste and the Valencia corruption, whose image like region at international level are being much harmed". he harms Us to all but it is certain that to the Valencian ones much more in all the articles reports or comments in those that it is also exaggerated the tone to give more negative overexposure in the media can affect to the economy and also to the tourism, the most sensitive activity to an adverse reputation, and a key sector of the Valencian and Spanish economy. 

Well until here the exhibition of a rough reality and that he should spend page as soon as possible although it cannot refuse that it not reflects the tremendous reality that converts to an entire Spanish community, alone in the image of the waste and the unconsciousness of their own region and of their politicians, but rather besides it communicates to the world that the rest of Spain cannot walk very far from this reality.  

But what is not explained and that that neither explained to the PP and their politicians, it is the reason Valencia it is today seen as the paradigm of the bad economic practice, politics, and the summit of the waste and the political corruption of all type. As all this it arose, like you have ended up destroying the image of an entire region, and to embarrass rather to their society calm of customs and simple traditions, guided to the agriculture, to the tourism of sun and beach, and mainly their parties “fallas”. 

Because the reality is that it was the centralist politics of rights of the PP basically, the one that has taken to the Valencia community, to the I discredit and its moral and ethical ruin, when deciding in its day to transform to the Valencia community into the instrument to displace from its neighboring Catalonia, the economic power of this, and to be taken it by effect counterbalance toward Valencia, community of similar localization conditions and climate, but without the nationalist intensity of the first industrial, tourist, and international power, of Spain like it is Catalonia. 

The politicians and the Spanish society is full and he knows that sooner or later he won't be able to maintain the Catalan submission, if this small country that feels nation, continues growing and growing in all the economic, industrial, tourist, sport aspects, investigation, sanitarium, everything it accompanied by a great international prestige no matter how much from the government from Spain they want to pass later for high of the matter or sooner the wanted segregation or independence of Catalonia will be an international problem.  

So the initiate national politics fundamentally for Mr. Aznar and maintained later on by the PP, (that continuous even today the government of the Valencia Community) and with the indifference or convenience of the stage of national government of the PSOE, you glide a strategy that consisted in: A. - to brake the expansion of Catalonia, and B. - to make grow without reason neither order some the Valencia Community in the same aspects that could, according to them, to make the competition to Catalonia. 

That I exaggerate, at all they won't see because I say it, the port of Barcelona is the first of the south of Europe in load and travelers, this port needs the rail connection with Europe, (the Mediterranean corridor) infrastructure that is approved and with financing on the part of the UE, well non alone Spain has not still carried out it, but rather it began to mount in the port of Valencia a logistical installation it already copies of the existent in Barcelona, it is he decides what calls you the ZAL (area of logistical activities), I reduce the canons and process of office of customers in the port of Valencia, everything stops to try that said port was the exit and main entrance of the loads of Madrid and peninsular center and it absorbed the biggest quantity possible from destinations to that of made Barcelona this I finish that it has not happened. 

As this it didn't work a circuit it is mounted for the F1 urban semi using part of the Valencia harbor creating and paying a new great prize in Valencia, fed up that the circuit of F1 of Catalonia was year after year improving public and use of services of the circuit of Montmelo during the whole year, result enormous losses that we will never know the real quantity. Now Spain has me to know four circuits and the only one that it works well it is that of Montmelo. 

In Catalonia, the park of attractions of “Villa Seca”  and  Salou "Port Risks", it increases year to it its tourist success so much national as international, the Valencia community believes the economic disaster and of I publish denominated “Mythical Land” that like one has seen it has been a well without funds of lost and an instrument of distributing scandalous commissions and he doesn't make more than to increase the prestige of the installation Catalane. 

The enormous tourist urbanizations carried out in the coast Levantine, they have also been an I authenticate disaster for the country, and a great benefit for the oligarchy and many politicians from Spain, mainly related with the PP, the objective that justified it was also to remove tourism to the Costa Brava and the Golden Costa both of the coast of Catalonia, urbanizations that have been taken for before to the Bank of Valencia to the CAM and other institutions and already positions in this environment, alone it is to mention the airport of Castellón. 

Regarding the great cultural tradition of Catalonia and of Barcelona in the first place, with their monumental works of Gaudí and all their modernist architecture, their unique Romanic in the world, their congresses, fairs, and international conventions, their Olympiads of the 1992, etc. also took the idea of competing with everything it and you have without coming to story, the city of the arts and the sciences in Valencia, and they already come it result some monuments that are deficit and almost ramshackle and that sooner or later they won't be able to stay. 

The Valencian coast was named tacitly, the beach of Madrid and it was invaded by the Castilian culture, eliminating all the possible one the culture Valencian daughter bigger than the Catalan, drowning its speech and use, even denying the arrival of the Catalan TV so that doesn't contaminate the Machiavellian desires of the Spanish centralist culture, and now the Valencian government is forced to close it, I believe that with that exposed, it is already enough to demonstrate that it has passed with Valencia, Spain has used it and it has sunk it as everything that he makes, because that makes the Spanish politics, it is to look alone for its Spain, to maintain it enough rich one, although it is like it is this way, swindling to their for them conquered territories. 

What difference does it make that Valencia is the paradigm of the shame, of the bad administration, of the not well political one, Spain will ignore of it, it will not be alone Valencia the bad one the government from Spain, they don't have the blame that the Valencia ones became crazy and they sank banks, they swindled to the society, they bribed political, etc., in the bottom now uses them to make see again that it is the sample that the Autonomies are the bad ones, those that have sunk Spain, and this blissful country works this way. 

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