martes, 28 de febrero de 2012


The qualification agency S&P has reduced the rating of the debt of the Generalitat Valencia two steps, until BB, also maintaining the negative perspective, for what could have new cuttings. The qualification BB is second inside the denominated speculation grade, that is to say, voucher garbage. S&P justifies the decision for "the uncertainty on the support from the Government" to the Autonomous Communities. 

S&P also mentioned the weakened credit profile, a great debt load and its access lack to the external financing beyond the attendance of the central State.  Also, the agency believes that the new plan to put a day the payments of the regions could be short for Valencia as soon as in June. Fabra has visited Rajoy that has confirmed him that he doesn't commit to revise the parameters of the community debt.  

The records of the I dominate they will go falling one after other, and at the end whole Spain will fall, unless it is a stratagem of the PP, to go dismounting and drowning the communities until getting the Spain "One Big and Free" that if totally ruined but an and in hands of the most rancid right that is in Europe, good future waits for us. 

The Spanish government's posture is totally illogical today he/she has offered the Treasure national 50.000 million spare Eurus to the banking, for not waiting the next auction of the BCE by the way the banking it has rejected them to that the government plays, if there are 50.000 millions in box, because it doesn't redeem the own government's debts with many of the autonomous communities, and it fixes this way his deficits, in the cuttings of first Friday of pain of the era Rajoy you calculates the capital necessities in 20.000 millions, when you began to speak of the increase of the deficit, of 40.000 millions, good because according to my bills they still have more than enough 10.000, and the government could upgrade the ratios in 4% that was the objective. 

I ignore the bills of the autonomies except that of Catalonia, but I will tell them that here, the deficit comes for the unpaid of the central state, of two resolutions approved by the government of the PSOE. In spite of the Catalan government's requests, not alone they have not been paid on the part of the current government, but rather this he has forced to the budget of the Generalitat of Catalonia, to include these debts like Catalan fiscal deficit. 

The things are going from the hands to Rajoy and their government, to 60 days of its taking of possession none of the approved measures each one of Fridays that they have lapsed from the taking of possession, has provided effect some, they have not guessed right in anything there is more deficit, for what they already are not worth the cuttings in march they are insufficient, the regulation of the banking still is not any solution, today they have already begun some entity to suspend payments of interests of preferable, because he doesn't decide anything regarding their possible buyers, the unemployment is increased day by day, with that that the labor regulation approved at the moment to drummer and plate alone it is good to say goodbye to more people. 

Such Spain and as this it is in salvable, the disaster that I believe the current constitution when transforming Spain into 17 communities, to avoid so there is alone two or three historical and logical communities, they have transformed Spain into a Taifas Kingdom to image and likeness of the Taifas Kingdom of Arab that it existed during the dominance of the Iberian peninsula for the Arab, they were 7 centuries what I last, something he had to be in the genes of the Spanish politicians. 

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