martes, 7 de febrero de 2012


It is not necessary to rescue debt some, there won't be fiscal unit, it is not necessary to worry about the budgetary deficits, none of these measures works, it is necessary to erase everything and to rotate in 180 grades and to return to the starting point, it is useless you has failed and it is better to take the things like they are and to recognize it, you intent, you was almost about to get it, but it has not been possible, finally the politics and the politicians have him it sank everything. 

All the first efforts of the incipient European Union, were her pushing up, seating her like a new society vision and of European economy, until the unique currency arose the euro and here we broke it a thing it was the friendly and commercial union and another very different one to play with the money of all, the desire of the politicians' protagonist, in that moment broke everything, the European Union as a glass base he has not been able to support on her so much politics, so much ego and so much selfishness. 

Neither economic crisis neither anything, the economic crisis is consequence, it doesn't cause, the fact is that the political disunion of the euro-area has taken us to the political failure of an idea, and I eat consequence of the economy. The security, the in the middle of society, he has collapsed this it is the reality, and as soon as possible we recognize it before we will begin to leave the bog, to determine to go up walking turned to the reality for a slope is exhausting and absurd, the best thing is to change sense and to get off face and running. Because it can no longer stop the slope, the production he doesn't go back, the unemployment doesn't change, in any event it worsens, in the euro area it is in 10% and Spain in 22% and we take this way two years, everything has been attempted and the things don't improve on the contrary. 

And it is that it cannot get ready, it is impossible, we are with 33.millones of people in unemployment, it is as having another European nation of stopped, you know what this represents, I tell it to him, some costs social in assumable or a revolution, because the perspectives are not that he goes decreasing, but just the opposite, the companies every time they continue speaking of insole reductions and it is logical, it is that they cannot make another thing. With descents of their value in bag of the order of 30% in 2011, don't doubt that they don't have another exit that to continue reducing insole. The multinational companies one gives they locate to force marches, and I just now you begins to outline the politicians that made a mistake and it is necessary be brought the productions to house again. 

In all the countries of the area euro, the civil societies "indignant" word are now in fashion, but with he doesn't leave it anywhere, this indignation this psychic state didn't fix anything, you can already indignant yourself what you want, that he doesn't give work, neither he gives money to buy, and therefore there is not more products than to manufacture, and if it is not necessary to manufacture there is not employment, it is that simple and gnarled, it is clear that the measures that up to now were the orthodox, they don't serve, because this situation is new, the parameters of the problem are new, and the proposed solutions are old, this doesn't marry in any way.  

And the same raisin with the protests that if the banks win a lot that if the rich ones are more and more rich, we exclaim indignant, it is not true, that tells it to us in partial information’s that don't give to know the alone total information the holder that is the one that sells. An example, if an American multimillionaire had 60 thousand million dollars and now he has 40 thousand, undoubtedly it continues being multimillionaire but it has lost 30% of his fortune, and this is good me to explain that what he has lost, another magnate in Russia for example, it has won it, because the money doesn't disappear it simply changes hands. 

Have I written it and repeated an and another time, is a problem of the society and of the western economy, in China, in Asia, in Brazil, in the India, in Turkey, in Russia, don't they have unemployment and does the one that they have decrease day by day, why? Because they are in expansion so much social as industrial, there the multimillionaires grow day by day, this it is the question, they ascend and I eat effect of communicating glasses we lower, because the necessities and the global resources are some, and not all those that wanted, and this doesn't want to understand it our politicians, because in the bottom they think the same as I and you are human, now that I am here, because I am not entitled the time that plays me, to live well and they refuse to change because they believe that they are entitled to continue this way, for that they are devoted to the politics. 

It is necessary to look to the past, before these situations got ready alone for the wars, in the XX century in which one carries out the biggest jump in the western society, two big world called wars were happened, after each one of those which it had more than enough work because it lacked of everything, housings, it works civil, refrigerators, cars, furniture, shoes, bricks, cement, steel, ships, trucks, hotels, bars, trade, manpower, and a long etc.   

This with and without wars, it is what is passing in the emergent countries the difference it rests, and here our politicians don't want to see it, it is that they are more clever than us, and at the same time that they manufacture for them that they lack of everything, they manufacture for all us and cheaper, then as consequence work misses us and what is already oppressive money to buy them that that up to now manufactured us. And I eat we don't take place and we don't sell, it is not more remedy than to make traps of financial engineering, because we also need petroleum, gas, etc. and this gentlemen readers are what is killing us and what it is necessary to change the quickest thing possible. 

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