jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012


Today I want to stray some the daily present time: the economy and their problems, it seems that lately everything is summed up in this matter it is certain that it is urgent their solution and therefore it requires a lot of attention and study of solutions to correct their serious current imbalance. 

But he gives me the impression that blinded and burdened by this problem he doesn't also look at himself toward any other strategic activity and politics that are vital for the survival of the society. The whole activity of the entities and European governments are centered in as saving the economy and all the solutions that are presented they go failing one after other because the life in general is not bounded in alone a factor like it seems today in day the euro the sovereign debt and the budgetary deficit. 

Today those in charge of governing us, so much at European, and national level they are totally absorbed by the economic problems and they also guide their study of the solution of these problems in future key and they forget or they don't see that if we have arrived to these problems it is not for the future but for the past and east is the matter if we don't end up understanding because this economic debacle has been caused we won't be able to solve it as much we will be able to cohabit with her putting more and more expensive and ineffective patches until the definitive crash of the whole social economy of the western world arrives. 

Of anything it serves that the G20 says today that they have reached some agreements to increase the endowments to the IMF or that Brussels will be able to increase without limit the Permanent Fund of Rescue, if nobody worries about correcting the causes that these measures should take since if he doesn't intersect the root of the problem this he behaved how the ivy and anger running and getting entangled more and more in the social economic structures until ending up drowning them. 

It seems logical that the main reason of the current economic deviations is the necessity of the excessive indebtedness of the nations to cover the expense excesses in its general budgets, for that reason it is well focused the German theory: contention and reduction of expenses similar to debt reduction and too simple budgetary, very simple balance, because this alone solution is good to stop the expansible effect of the problem momentarily but it won't solve it past the first moments of effectiveness if they have not been detected and resolved the causes that took us until here, these they break the momentary balance gotten to blow of punctual cuttings again. 

It is evident that the governments in general have spent more than what they but the question is because they made it is clear that it was to look for the politicians the vote of the society and to get it you beginning a consistent career in to see who gave more for less that is to say who with less sacrifices (taxes) on the part of the society he gave him more services, rights, social advantages, etc. and they would get this way that when arriving at the end of the legislatures the to choose another time, but it is that the thing gets complicated because in the current society there is not alone a politics and a government mono color if not that I eat norm there are two and in many cases they govern up to three in strange and incomprehensible coalitions in some cases, then the thing gets complicated because besides giving satisfaction to your voter it is necessary to also give satisfactions to that of your accompanying ones and of course indirectly to the whole society and it is they don't doubt it this career the one that has brought us until here. 

Either government is prepared and interested to thinking beyond four or five years that his legislature lasts so they take decisions of immediate character. It is necessary to give good treatment to the society so that me to choose another time. This is the politics any government it ascends to the power he stops and he says to the society: Non gentlemen not, our economic potentiality is such and for that reason we must reduce this that it is necessary to work more to get paid less. Neither neither he tells to their economic forces (Companies Banks) they cannot leave to external markets without maintaining the stability from their contributions to the national wealth, neither the employment that they provide, it is not worth us of anything that a multinational distributes many dividends if for he leaves it workers' thousands to the unemployment in its house and on the contrary it puts them to work in the neighbor's house. 

That it serves us that the Bank of Santander for example is the best bank in the Brazil offering an operative one excellent in credits and financings, while here he has to close branches, to say goodbye to employees' thousands and to close the faucet of the credit, etc. doesn't give him more turns, the economic des adjust is for this reality, it is necessary to change the idea that the politics or that the government is so that they solve us the life, it is not this way this it is an aberration caused by the golden time that we have had the luck to live during some years, until we have made it untenable, the government should have day by day as function to govern and to direct to the society in an almost perfect balance in the, and at the same time to constantly plan not the address of the future that we have to the front, that of tomorrow, but that of ten years for before as minimum. 

And this should understand it once and for all because this circumstance is new for the society actually previous to ours non have this problem because he didn't have future practically each little time the wars they erased everything and it was necessary begin again, he was discovered and a new world was populated, he makes anything 300 years so alone but now all this won't return I believe me so somebody will have to tell us how we must cohabit among so much market, among so much competitiveness, and among so much politics, otherwise all that we clip today will be surpassed tomorrow. 

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