sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


I insist today on the geopolitical situation of Europe again and of their economy and culture, and I continue on the topic an and another time because I continue seeing to our very not very united and not very concerned environment for the financial and social economic imbalances that are happened inside the UE and we continue forgetting that we are leaning on a hell of terrorism of the one which alone it separates us a small sea t we are also amid a changing world and convulse that I don't know very well because it seems that he has taken it with us and I insist our governments they don't want to find out. 

The whole blame of the bad situation of the economy is evidently of the euro this has already read it to me countless times these last days like step with the European crisis he wants to hide this fact and the problem is guiding to the excessive expense on the part of the states and these in turn transfer it to the society, that is to say to all us my dear readers, this interpretation is very comfortable and simple, the fall of the economy is not exclusive to attribute it to the waste of the society because it is not correct to make this way it. 

This theory is also an incongruity, to see, let us think of the partner's economy classic norms, if the consumption is exaggerated what is increased it is the inflation, because a bolted consumption has for general rule the excess of liquidity in hands of the society, fact that is not true because today is passing just the opposite, that is to say, he stops the economy, the companies and the society they are left without work and the demand falls brutally in all the environments this calls you deflation the opposite of the inflation, and the solution that the UE demands it is the appropriate one to maintain the stagnation and the deflation but not the recovery.  

Flatly I don't accept like main cause of the general imbalance of Europe that is alone the expense the causing one. The reality that they don't want to see, or rather to believe the politicians and European governments, it is that the crisis is due to the geopolitical circumstances that are convulsing the world, these they are the true causes of the imbalance in the bills of the European countries, and I eat consequence of the euro area.  

The one that the debts, and the budgetary deficits of some countries has been shot, is consequence that the consumption rhythm (public and private) maintained by the European economy in their different nations, he has stopped because you short the flow of the economic revenues for the road of the commercialization of manufactured goods being unbalanced this way, the commercial scales basically of the countries today more affected by the so much problems of debt like of deficit.  

To this it is necessary to add that they are carried out less strategic and speculative investments on the part of investors and external capitals, because other opportunities have been born in other geographical destinations where to invest with more agility, profitability, and less watering, this way the euro area, began to lose Companies, contracts and industrial orders, and incomprehensibly, I increase the demography for the immigration without control, result of these two factors, the increase of the unemployment and something almost worse the insecurity and the distrust of the society. 

This way the things all the countries have had to increase their social expenses in quantity but to reduce them in width and effectiveness, this way, at the same time that they tried to maintain the expenses of the public and private consumption characteristic of the economic level of their societies. The national bills evidently gave negative results, and the state deficits they have been shot, consequently it is appealed to the debt emission to maintain this situation and you arrives this way to the catastrophic current reality. 

And the worst thing is that the euro area and Europa can no longer hide not the economic problems but the social today most of the European society it is worse than 5 years ago and you also see that tomorrow will possibly be worse than today among so much the human disasters in the north and center of Africa are expelling more an more desperate toward our nations this causes that the already extensive immigrant population coming from the Islamic world and that up to now he had stayed in calm because it begins to suffer in their lives the unemployment and the segregation. 

And to this reality he is added that you go that in their origin points the things also go to worse with these realities than they want that it happens, because what is spending those of here they leave there to fight for not their origins but to the same time from there they change them the point of view and they convince them that the blame of all that their siblings suffer is occident blame and clear now they can tell them - you don't Maybe suffer there it - and undoubtedly it suffers it if has not left it would continue working taking some Eurus in the pocket and living the life characteristic of a youth. 

The infra Islamic culture has seen that europa the occident cradle is mature almost he would say me that rotten and they have not doubted it neither an instant this it is the occasion of changing the things the Yihadistas they leave this way one or another decree some barbarians they are allowed this way as the members of the Islamic State (EI) to plan the occident conquest as if is in the century VII because they have already destroyed now its own lands they dream of extending its barbarism to ours.  

Europe the euro area mainly is sick at the moment alone of economic weakness, but this doesn't doubt it he will extend quickly to a social weakness and before this there are not deficits neither debts that simply serve as antidote this the disaster of our culture and of our force as society. 

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