domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015


The interested praises to the recovery of the Spanish economy made by the government Rajoy and some other governments of the UE, interested in not creating another Greece, they have left step to a growing scepticism among the international investors. Give you Spain is sought now to hide the reality of the true economy of Spain, for they are used it the convocations of elections in Catalonia, (with the annexed threat of declaring its independence) and the uncertain result that they present the Spanish general elections that will take place before year end. Both draw a scenario of political uncertainty that raises doubts among the international investors.  

Alone in June, the experts point, the international capital moved away 21.000 millions of Eurus of the Spanish market. The investment decisions are postponed to January awaiting that the political scenario clears up. I don't see anything of strange in this, it is the normal thing and this would happen and it passes in any European country that gets ready for some general elections of very uncertain result, and others that can take step to that the country loses 20% of its national wealth, the thing are not for less than to take cautions, but this doesn't happen of here, the capital picked up now doesn't make more than to take refuge until it passes the uncertainty of not knowing that address took Spain and Catalonia 

Of this he doesn't have the blame the Catalan independentism because this it doesn't outline any variability of alternative, the investor knows very well that at the end he will decide if it reinvests in a new country and a new economy, or he should make comfortable alone to the Spanish economy, there are not more roads. The problem is in the Spanish economy where many are presented more variable: If it will be a new country with a GDP 20% weaker, if its new government's composition will be so obedient to the German theses, or it will be more revolutionary with more populist politicians and of left, this takes us to think of reactions unforeseeable today on the part of Spain. 

That he will make the current government before a more than possible loss of both elections, accepted it democratically, or he took the road that already took in 1936 seeking protection in that with a part of the country being declared independent and the other one being declared populist of left, somebody will have to put order, this it is the risk that come the foreign investors they don't give him more turns, don't have anything to see the Catalan elections neither the Spaniards, what misleads the investors is the reaction of the party today in the power that it is, as everybody he knows, the heir of the national right that I facilitate the lift behind national years. 

Until hardly some months ago, the investors bid to have positions in the Spanish market. The long crisis that had suffered the Spanish economy had reduced the price of properties, actions and companies until levels that the international investors considered more than profitable. The situation has varied considerably along the summer. They don't refuse the improvements that register the economic data, but yes they appear in the scenario elements of political uncertainty that they raise doubts. And with them, many questions on the possible scenarios resulting consequence of the electoral consultations visible. 

I would advise to the economic means you tune the PP (that now are all) that don't play to pyromanias, this doesn't make more than to burn the ass to Spain against what they seek that it is that burns it alone to Catalonia, and this is this way because they continue without realizing that for the international market Catalonia doesn't still exist and that one doesn't know if it will exist, however if they continue reading hearing and seeing the nerves that the Spanish politicians already reflect in the face of the inability apparent of re conducer the uncertainty of what can happen after the 27S, the losses of trust to Spain will grow, and I repeat them that this to Catalonia doesn't make him any effect, because up to now, Catalonia is a Spanish and alone problem it affects Spain, starting from the 27S the things can change and if they win the secessionist parties the elections, then if the international investors began to calculate options it has more than enough investments or not in Catalonia like a new economy. 

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