miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015


The American economist Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Prize Nobel of Economy 2001, he affirmed by the middle of the 2014 that the economy of Spain is in a worse "depression" that the well-known crisis of 1929, as the Great Depression, at the same time that it pointed to the inequality and the unemployment like priorities to solve it is not anything new we already know it what is new it is that this continues effective one year later and the worst thing is that we are to the doors of the end of the legislature and we don't have anything clear that can pass politically in the country. 

No matter how much the current government of the PP determines to paint the things otherwise the reality you cannot continue hiding the reality we are about to finish the 2015, and no matter how much they tell us beautiful words on the supposed end of the crisis that the banking this recapitalized that in this year you has begun to create net employment that there won't be more cuttings than alone they will be some adjustments that it is necessary to tolerate a little more but that the things are doing nicely, the facts and the numbers locate us in a more and more hard social situation, the depression and the loss of the consumption continues effective because it is not worth to say that we have left if the indexes are very below the departure situation. 

The made not up real figures them for the government in that the Spanish economy moves, they reflect a stagnation situation what deceives to the society because indeed he finds that he doesn't go to worse, but this contrarily to what they want to make us see, it is not to go to better. And if we don't have a future visible more or less clear politically, to a month of the end of the legislature and the convocation of general elections, it can mean the end of all recovery. What plan will we follow the 2016 the marked one for the current government's budgets it is that it is maybe safe that it will continue to the government's front? 

The things are simple of seeing, the unemployment doesn't give in the magnitudes that he should make it to see an end that comes closer to the values of before the crisis, and as for their social effects he becomes worse and a lot, it is not necessary that he explains that the data that the government gives, are false because people fade of the official employment offices, because every time they are more those that are no longer entitled to unemployment, are spoken of more than two millions of stopped that don't count with any entrance neither protection, and neither is counted on them what is worse. 

All this is depression, not alone it is necessary to see the general numbers, these don't possibly fall already, but I repeat, it is that there are not more numbers to fall, and however the government, already neither he announces projects of economic renovation, it still continues speaking of cuttings, of adjustments, of contention of wages and what offers, is simply electoral promises to see of getting votes, it reduces of the IRPF, ascent of salaries to officials, the pensions, but most of you will have calculated what will represent them and it is anything. 

But the reality will be much harder very hard, because these promises are to pay them and the Spanish economy didn't change, it continues anchored in the same GDP of one year ago, so the government if we understand that it will continue being of the PP it will go up the IVA to recover the slope of taxes, and the millions of ascent of wages and pensions, on this last today he/she read that it is already announced that next year they will need 50% of what is in the box of the social security and that at the end the pensions will be a cost more for the social security and that Abengoa motor of Andalusia is in insolvency. 

The Spanish economy this zombie, that clear, the great company is financed outside and the national one is dying, Spain won't be able to rather he already is not able to, to maintain to 47 million inhabitants, and this knows it the government and the PP and its politics is guided to re to centralize all that can in Madrid, to build like an island of more or less quality of life, with some millions of inhabitants like sample, enough so that they feed with its taxes and rates, the appearances, the statistics and the salaries and other prebends of the political class, but it is that he no longer can neither he wants to make nothing else. 

It is urgent that the current government stops to make future plans that mortgage us, because the political situation in Spain is not clear, but the PP will resist all that can because this wait without fixed term, impedes the making of government's plans to other parties or political forces, the form of acting of the PP is strategically brilliant, he wanted to ask: how many Spanish today they think that the things will change in three months, I believe that I can answer NONE! 

The Spanish society in their majority this so afraid one that the politics has abandoned. The truth is that enough work has to be looked for the sustenance or an employment and this is promoting it the PP and he is giving it as a fact, the test more clearly is that he has already made the budgets of the 2016, the PP not calculates without reason that the Spanish society voted them another time because nobody will end up on time putting on the table concrete plans for Spain. The PP has already been ahead and it is so much the fear to think that the things can go to worse than I fear myself that the Spanish society, will succumb to the bad thing well-known that go to fight for the good thing to get.  

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