lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


The bad thing of this is that this partition is of double address I explain to myself there is one of the parts of the world that calls oneself civilized and therefore it qualifies to the other uncivilized part, this I would say that up to now it was the normal thing the world it has always been divided in two, those civilized and the uncivilized and always those civilized dominated to the uncivilized until the civilization of those civilized entered in decomposition and the part uncivilized of the previous uncivilized that passed to take the place of the new civilization, became and this way an and another time. 

But little by little century after century this situation has gone changing and there are no longer two clear civilizations but rather there is several and each one considers in many cases to the other uncivilized for the fact that they don't think the same as them now the civilization parameters or uncivilized are not clear as in last times this concept is not now easy to value the distances among the evolution of both parts of the civilization they are no longer clear they no longer depend on the force or of the intelligence of the order or of the disorder now is many more concepts than it stops some they are civilization and for other barbarisms, both concepts vary according to of the side from where they are seen. 

This has been clear seeing these two days the disparate opinions on oneself event refers to the attacks happened in Paris that they have spilled in the net and of them he comes off that for some the criminal act that we could consider uncivil is not it but rather it is as a defense act or of punishment to the uncivilized of the one that those that we have suffered it because we are the culprits of having propitiated it with our uncivilized of providing from weapons to those that have executed at hundreds of people that had not facilitated them any weapon it is possibly incredible the attitude of people before oneself fact supposes that not alone I will be me the one that has noticed of this social reaction. 

Bashar the Assad has said today that occident has lived today what the Syrians live for three years every day and he is right but I don't accept that with this evidence he wants to justify that the act of wild terrorism happened in you give birth to it is justifiable because the Syrians the Eritrean ones the Libyans the Kurd, this lives him day yes and day also. It is certain that like I have read in numerous twits that the blame is from the included USA of the own France because they give weapons to the different Arab nations and that occident is guilty of the birth of the State Islamic today the cradle of the whole hell of the Middle East and that we already have here it. 

Because it is true occident it has facilitated weapons to the towns in conflict today in the next east the western countries each one of the suppliers of weapons has made it to one of the nations of those that he understood they should defend of another that attacked them that I know nobody he has sold weapons consciously so that a nation begins the wars of the Islam. Then it is certain that some have armed Syria others to the Syrian rebels others to the Kurd others to Iran and Iraq and it seems clear that who has paid this whole arsenal it is Saudi Arabia and their petroleum. 

Very now that we make because these weapons were not facilitated so that comes here to Europe to slaughter us in principle it was so that they stopped in these areas in conflict their slaughters the idea I suppose of the politicians that authorized these sales of weapons it was that equaling each litigant's forces stops the abuses of some against the other ones and possibly as always most of opinion is right the blame that these savages have the possibility and the means to execute attacks so wild as the one of you give birth to it is our but that they carried out it this doesn't facilitate it neither we prepare it neither we execute it he goes I believe me. 

That which takes me to say that it cannot question it is the responsibility and the blame of that happened of who, it is not occident the terrorist, he is the victim, if you want of their own errors, but it is the kills finally. And this situation cannot serve from palliative to that happened, neither of conformism on the part of occident until the point of feeling guilty, like I have read in numerous opinions. 

West is the it kills among other things because mistaken or not the use that is given to the weapons that selfishly and unconsciously they were facilitated, they were not to be used for this purpose and another thing more, the weapons used concretely in this attack were all of Russian origin, they were concretely assault rifles Kalashnikov the AK47 and surprisingly nobody has entered with Russia of where it is this weapon it proceeds and that it is the most used one and extended in the terrorist acts.  

That it happens us because we are looking for three feet to the cat that I care it with which they kill me if they kill me what I care it is that they don't kill me and let us leave of philosophical questions the question is that we are still not in total war of trenches but if of dead and of this I and the western society in general are not guilty of anything he is the victim. So my demand is clear, I want that my country protects me, not that he/she wonders with which your arm they kill me and it is more, I also want that they stop to be killed in the places that propitiate this situation, because they won't make it, so the solution to the problem is not in getting complicated the freedom in my daily life in my country, but in finishing with the wild wars of the next east so that these they don't extend for the world. 

I believe that our life is very easy and good in spite of the economic difficulties that we suffer and in the bottom I believe that the controversies that I have made mention regarding the comments about the possible guilt of the own victims that we are all are not nothing else that a preventive defense so that he doesn't expand the open war again but these opinions won't stop it but just the opposite if I was a Yihadista today it would be very calm because my future victims are being justified that it executes it because in the bottom they know that it is its own blame. We should be crazy if we believe that removing them the blame to the executioners, we will get rid of having to die to defend our lives.  

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