lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012


The reality is leaving in evidence the current configuration of the European union, it is not the crisis believes me, the crisis is the consequence of it and that that in turn reveals it ostensibly, the europa of the States is demonstrated impossible, and as soon as possible we convince ourselves, before we will be able to leave the bog in fact to which have driven her, the phenomenon that makes that the UE doesn't work, it is that of the disproportion that one reveals in almost all the administration aspects of the one sought European common space. 

It cannot have European union, when one of the components is more potent than almost all the other ones together, this doesn't create an union, believe a that clear and simple dominance, and in that the UE has become today, and I believe that forever if we don't change it, the UE is the Europe dominated by Germany and its satellites, the UE no longer governs anything, alone it obeys, it is like a camera but of the German government, the BCE it is in fact the German central Bank, and the euro is without a doubt some the old mark German reconverted so that they use it in all europa. 

It is a question of common sense, I don’t even want to accuse conqueror's Germany, maybe have not been their intention but neither have I wanted to hide but the reality, Europa today is what Germany wants, and here we enter in the true problem that makes irresoluble the tremendous crises in those that we are immerses the Europeans. If, the expressed thing in plural because there is not a single crisis there are many more: the economic one, the social one, the national one, and of course the politics. 

The economic crisis is already so clear that whenever I refer to her he gives me the sensation that I repeat, but it is necessary to happen for he stops to baste everything the rest, this crisis is consequence of the irrational imbalance of the countries north, in front of those of the south, the curious thing is that they provoke it the countries of the north believing that helping magnanimously those of the south, they will be able to balance the economy general, gross error like he has been proven. 

The north meets trillion Eurus in grants to the states of the south. But you doesn't worry that those of the south compared their productive strength to that of the north, and this way to create an europa that was an incredible power, so much industrial, as economic, the trap was that the grants of the north, alone they served so that the south has money to make but strong to the north, money that was not also a contribution but a loan to return, so its effect, today we see it, it was to still create a monstrous imbalance among an industrialized north and owner of the whole European capital, and a south poorer of that than it was, because above not having implemented him any industrial structures he is loaded with some debts that it cannot support. 

For that reason these last days, I say in my articles that it is necessary to undo that made because it is not well fact, simply that, I am not anti European by no means, but neither I am imbecile, and I see clearly that this situation doesn't have exit, the south will never be able to leave its misery if the whole industrial and economic capital is in the north, but it is that also if this situation persists, the one notices it also finished des capitalization because its productive structures won't have market interior to the one who to supply. 

Then there is not solution you asked me, because if there is her but it is not viable inside the current configuration of the UE based on the National States, this clear this it is as much as saying that there is not solution, it is certain, because the reality is the one that exists now and not other, but you can change the blockade situation that we have undergone without realizing, we have two clear possibilities to choose. 

A, to undo the national states and to really create the European Union, not the European Union of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece… and this way up to 17 or 27 as you are of the euro or not, this would report a tremendous change of postures and of national concepts very but that very difficult of assuming, because the first thing serious to assume a global economy, an unique fisco, and of course an unique debt, you believe that it would agree the rich europa of the north, they will see what this would mean serious in a bigger scale what I mean the union of the two alemanias, a rich one and another poor person remember, independently besides the political unification. 

The other solution of I unblock it is easier, and this he consists on to forget the European Union and to return to the idea of the European Common Market, that is to say to dismantle all the central structures of political and economic government, and of course the euro and to act like an association of commercial market among countries of oneself common geographical space, this it is the most logical and real, because he goes it is necessary to be impossible to get that for example Spain assumes its economic deficits, with its unemployment parameters, opposing them to its industrialization parameters, if he has to continue fulfilling some conditions of economic deficit that a country that quintuples it in GDP, settles down and that he is practically the owner of the little industry that is in Spain besides being its main creditor. 

Not to want to see this reality is of stupid, with pardon to all those that will continue denying this, but no matter how much they want to close the eyes, because they believe that they have a lot to lose he/she gives same, they will lose it, alone it is question of suffering time more or less, the outcome is alone one, the economic and social ruin, we go direct to the europa of the rich and powerful north and the europa of the poor and miserable south, I said it a couple of days ago I prefer to be owner of my misery that to be releted in this case in the rich relative's house living off its charity. 

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