domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014


The countries members of the International Monetary Fund said on Saturday that is needed of an audacious action to impel the global economic recovery and they urged the governments to be careful not to suffocate the growth when reducing the budgets in too drastic form. However, Germany sustained that its economy doesn't go toward a recession and it discarded the idea that a new crisis incredible the German stubborn is generated as they can seek that the world doesn't see its own results or it is that they have not found out the DAX (German stock market) it is this practically plane year, this indicates without discussion that the economy of Germany at the moment has stopped. 

With the Japanese economy also unbalanced, and the too weak American recovery as to generate a general reactivation, the area euro this recession risk, with these realities the committee supervisor of the IMF said that the priority is the focus in the growth. But too many countries face the perspective of growth in a movement of deceleration, with the unemployment remaining (in a level) unacceptably high as the case of Spain, with this general situation it is evident an irrefutable fact which is that no country will be able to for if same to reactivate economically if it remains tied by the restrictive measures that mark as much the BCE as the IMF.  

The IMF reduced this week its presage of global growth 2014 to 3,3 percent from 3,4 percent, the third reduction this year in the measure in that they have diminished the perspectives for a sustainable recovery from the global financial crisis of the 2007-2009, in spite of considerable injections of money on the part of the central banks of the world. And it is that the economic measures that they take the entities directresses the IMF and the BCE always take fifty-fifty them, they rush to flood to the market with money that doesn't arrive at the market but rather that it is in the banks and the agents debt speculators to make sure their risks. 

The two big mentioned institutions should act below that is to say directly in the market economy and industrial of the countries so that this he starts the production and with it the employment this would produce the reduction of costs of the states and the increase of revenues from the same ones when receiving more taxes and therefore this would fix the deficits and the debts with what the big markets and the speculators would be tranquilized, when seeing that their investments are assuring it is that simple, the reactivation should come from below they don't doubt it if this is made the money it will ascend this way up that is to say toward the banks the states and the operators, but if they continue putting the money for up this never lowered because those of us they stayed it to live calm and to speculate. 

It is the weakness of Europe the biggest concern, a feeling shared by many officials, economists and investors gathered in Washington for the meetings of northerly autumn of the bottom that will culminate on Sunday. European officials have tried to dissipate the pessimism, but they won't get it. The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, said on Saturday that the ballast for the fiscal hardening in the area euro will spend but it is in an error conditioned by Germany. 

While the minister of Finances of Germany, Wolfgang Schaeuble, discarded the idea that the biggest economy in the monetary block runs the risk of falling in recession, but like he said before, this declaration nobody believes it to him because it is clear that it is an interested declaration, one to hide the beginnings of the recession in Germany and two because Germany knows that to recover the economy of the euro area means to reduce his to equal it at the tremendous distance that it has been created among the different European economies. 

The committee of the IMF called to a flexibility in the fiscal politics, but it seemed that the efforts to give more space to France so that it fulfills its goal of deficit of the European Union they would not prosper, before the insistence on the part of Germany that it is written in stone an agreement about fiscal rightness. The IMF urged to the countries to carry out reformations politically difficult to the labor markets and the systems of social forecast to liberate government money and to invest it in infrastructure to create employments and to increase the growth. 

In definitive and I eat conclusion of the euro area of it breaks and it is left Germany and their alone prepotency with their euro or their posture unsocial and imperative it finished with all the economies of the area and when this happens the social rebellions they began against the European national governments until these they are stronger than the German society and they rushed another time against her because Germany doesn't count that alone it is more or less 25% of the society of the euro area and 12% europa. 

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