domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


The president of the ANC, Carme Forcadell, it has endorsed this Sunday the voting announced by the Govern from face to the 9N as substitute of the original consultation, but it has warned that it will also be necessary to organize some Catalan elections of character plebiscitary in "three months". she has said It at once that the ANC and Cultural Òmnium have organized this Sunday in the square Catalunya of Barcelona, to the one that 110.000 people have gone according to the Urban Watch, to fix their position regarding the voting announced for November 9 and that it substitutes to the original consultation foreseen by the parties pro sovereignty, Forcadell and the president of Cultural Òmnium, Muriel Casals, they have demanded to the parties sovereignty’s to recover the political" "unit of which they made Gallic in the past, but they have avoided to speak that the parties make an electoral list in an unitary way. 
And I find very well because the unit this where it should be in the town in the citizenship where they are all the social classes from the most important until the more give favored and this union is the one that they command the two social and independent organizations the Assembly National Catalana and Cultural Omnium. So today in Barcelona in a radiant noon and before thousands of personal Forcadell and Muriel Casals, presidents respectively of these civic organizations they have demanded to the parties sovereignty’s to recover the political" "unit of which they made Gallic in the past. 
The leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, he has affirmed today that the independence is the only viable road that Catalonia has left it "and it is a grandiose opportunity", since "the autonomy is out, it is dead" and it is "useless to try to open another negotiation with the Spanish" State. Because "In the mark of the autonomy there are not changes, there is not future, and it is impossible a scenario of one year more inside the autonomous system, with some Budgets with 5.000 million Eurus less than the current ones that are equal to the expense of the six bigger hospitals, the pharmaceutical expense, the Mossos d'Esquadra, the Firemen and other a thousand more" millions, he has said. It is not time of words but of facts."  
The president of the ANC has complained that the proposed consultation last week for But she is not the one that originally committed: It is not the consultation that they told us that they would make, but neither it was it the question that they presented us and we accept it because they told us that that maintained the unit". But with all then it has fixed the conditions to accept the new consultation: We will "support this consultation provided November 9 are the first turn of some plebiscite elections to decide the future of Catalonia, Some elections that give us a true democratic command that guarantees us the freedom before the world." 
We "request to the president that summons elections. We want to vote in next three months", the president of the ANC has sentenced that has asked that for next spring there are already a constituted Parlament and preparation to advance toward the independence if a majority of having deputed endorses this way it. As much the ANC as Òmnium have avoided to enter in two polemic topics that divide to the parties: they have not said the independence should be declared after an eventual victory of the sovereignty in the elections in what terms, and they have not clarified if they are willing to be integrated in a hypothetical favorable unitary candidacy to the independence. The two entities won't accept "more delays" in the road toward the independence. And she has said that the same as the ANC and Òmnium have assumed the responsibility of mobilizing the citizens in the last three "Diades", now they are the parties those that should respond and to make decisions. 
After the act, the general coordinator of CDC, Josep Rull, he has manifested that their comely party to "make a pact everything" to get an independent Catalonia and he has insisted in that the citizens request the unit because, according to him, this will make them invincible and indestructible. The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, he has said that the Catalan cannot lose more time to solve their situation and he has requested elections the quickest thing possible, while the member of the CUP Marc Leaves them it has asked that the 9N are a democratic tsunami to denounce the Spanish Government's obstructionism, and the general coordinator of EUiA, Joan Josep Nuet, it has asked to leave to the street the 9N although it is not voted. 
They already come now it the things they are in their place if until today Madrid the government from Spain continued thinking that the "revolution sovereignty of Catalonia" was it sews of the politics of the political ones and concretely of Artur Mas starting from today's noon they can already be given for informed that this is not this way, the things now go seriously today it is already the town a great part of him who demands the sovereignty and it demands it with a certain crudeness the truth that he didn't wait for me so much forcefulness in the words directed to the political today the town it has passed all for above and he already goes for before and at the moment he tells them that they continue them but care because if they don't make it or they prefix their interests above what the citizenship has demanded them today it can be that they are thrown by the road.  

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