sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014


It was "an error to allow entering to Greece in the area euro. In the 2001 their economy was not prepared. We have paid the consequences now", I declare in their day Nicolás Sarkozy. If Mister it is it was this way an error, the question it is that once grateful having made an error of so much and so disastrous repercussion, is calm, this doesn't pass in any other aspect again, and I tell to you and all the enormous quantity of political and economic leaders that the European Union prepares that we can no longer make a mistake more.  
A thing is not to guess right and another very different one is to make a mistake, the things don't have the security of always leaving like one wait, but what should not happen is that you make a mistake almost knowingly that these making another error, waiting that the time or the luck fixes it, this in politics always flaw and it is also inappropriate of an organization of the importance of the European Union. 
I am afraid that past the crucial moment in that we have stayed in the border of the cliff for the hair toward where we went, let us stop sweaty and still trembling but with that sensation of "Uffff, almost", and this cannot allow it, because if we are still looking at the bottom of the cliff, the smallest blast of wind or the lightest dissipation will make us fall.  
I already know that I am very redundant in my opinion in this respect, but it is that I believe that there is not another positive teaching of what happens to us that to attempt so much globalized government's politics as the economic one and mainly the district attorney of the European Union, and sincerely I don't see on the part of the members of the euro group, neither of the entirety of the 28, neither that they are neither interested neither that they can sustain this possibility for that reason the things they go to worse because the alone UE can offer time but don't solve. 
And they don't doubt it if this is not changed, we will be making the "last error" after the one which, they will no longer have neither you excuse neither possible arrangement, the situation that at the moment have not saved alone it is not definitive, but rather he has also left us headdresses for some how many decades if everything goes well, and the worst thing is that among half of this period, they will have new crisis, changes of political, etc. and mainly national elections that will be 28 possibilities of interferences and changes of political, but it is that they can be but according to the plans of the treaty of Lisbon (that surprisingly not previous that could be less, another bundle error). 
It is too complicated to harmonize all this political and economic disparity, we realize that they can have countries in that their politicians are socialist for example other conservatives, for what the community guidelines can be interpreted with different you even tinge being the same ones. This that would not be a serious problem if doesn't affect nothing else that to a strict national environment, he takes disaster character when their consequences transcend this environment, and they complicate the approvals of normative community and the global economic politicians.  
He doesn't play me to my to define as structuring the European Union, although I have manifested several times my opinion in this respect, but I believe sincerely that it should be a total priority being devoted entirely to find the system that is able to fuse the dispersion of the states members in a single and accustomed to community politics. Said clearly it is necessary to get the European, alone true Union of States we will survive this way, and a condition that should already be peremptory is that it would be necessary to contemplate not to add nations but unloading the UE of some of them.  

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