lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


The German minister of Finances, Wolfgang Schäuble, he has announced this Monday that December 1 France and Germany will present a combined report with a battery of proposals to increase the investments in both countries. Schäuble has advanced this bilateral agreement in the press wheel that it has continued to the meeting in Berlin of the minister of Finances and Economy of France, Michel Sapin and Emmanuel Macron, with its German homologous, Schäuble and Sigmar Gabriel, respectively. 
The reinforcement of the investments is "the correct" road, Schäuble has added, assuming like he comes making Berlin in the last weeks that Germany should elevate its current rate of investments. And now that we make the other ones, you have problems like we had already noticed them, because it was evident that without market their economy one would come below, and you that have mashed us the life, have allowed us to fall in the misery, they have destroyed the social composition of Spain, they have forced to impose the charity in this country like in the best times in the military dictatorship that we suffer during 40 years, you go now and they reach an agreement to survive you and France    
But they don't finish the injustices here, the German holder of Finances, man of the chancellor's trust Angela Merkel, it has granted that each country should invest "inside its possibilities" and "in its financial politics’ mark", with what has banished any possibility again indebtedness for investment programs in Germany. This is very beautiful and the other ones that we make of where we take out the money to invest in our recovery or it is that you and the French have decided that the other ones have more than enough in the UE. 
It should be this way because Macron French minister of economy has underlined, on the other hand that both countries and the euro zone specify "investments strong" point of the public sector like of the private one, something that soon after Schäuble has tinged, at least for Germany, saying: "Mainly we look for to mobilize the private" investment so with this non alone forecast Germany and France they didn't help the UE investing from their sector I publish but rather they will open the investments to the private sector and me I ask to all the remaining countries of the UE there will be some imbecile investor that if they open him the door I imagine that with incentives and all as much Germany as France are happened to come to invest in Spain.  
The German minister of Economy has affirmed that Germany should increase its investments in next year’s until achieving that they suppose 20% of the gross interior product (GDP), following the recommendations of the OECD that it alerted recently that you locates at the moment in 17%. 3% of difference, Gabriel has indicated, they suppose about 50.000 million more Eurus.  
They already come it in Spain for the 2015 the budgets of the state they make cry, every time they decrease but the departures of works publish and infrastructures, there is not money practically for I+D+I, there is not NEW, and less bad creation of work positions that we have many prostitutes and drugs that if not the GDP would be for the floors.  

With these expectations so well clarified I take advantage of the occasion to tell me to myself and all the Catalan that we believe in the independence that we don't wait more Spain this condemned, and the UE as me it will be alone with the heart but without extremities you already understand some so that we will wait because they don't take us out of the UE my mother we open the eyes once and for all, they don't see that he are no longer .

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