viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016


The Swedish central bank clips yesterday its type of reference interest in 15 basic points, and I take them to -0,50 other% more than he doesn't understand that if the interests are NEGATIVE they mean that the economy is NEGATIVE it belongs to lunatics not to understand this reality, I don't understand how the specialists in macro economy don't realize and they persist in this politics of negative types of interest but it seems really that this is the last alternative with which they wait the central banks to activate the economy and to already take it out of the crisis systemic in the one that we have settled. 
The central economies of the Eurozone and the USA are being obsessed with this absurd and totally counteractive measure, the effect that they seek to get the banks and the BCE is that the funds of money are mobilized that remain inactive hidden in financial instruments, bank deposits, or sovereign debts, but the solution is not to punish them with negative interests, but analyzing that if they are hidden in these instruments and above they pay for it, if makes it they would see that it is because the problem is in the general economy, the productive one and the private consumption. 
Then it is somewhere around where they should attack the central banks and the BCE but the problem as you they know, it is that the BCE doesn't have in its statutes the possibility to accelerate investments, or to activate projects, alone it is good to watch over that it doesn't go up the inflation and to manufacture and to control the euro, and the national central banks the same thing, now what is happening is that the private capitals are without possibilities of investments and for that reason he takes refuge and he hides although he has to pay for it. 
And this is an infernal circle because if the money hides, there are not new projects neither elements that produce interest and benefits so that the money comes out to the market, and it is believed this way the I circulate, the solution to this state of general lethargy is produced partly by the restlessness that produces the investors (and to all) it is the world geopolitical situation so uncertain and with so many dangers that cause fear to everybody, this cannot possibly fix it the capital but if they should fix it the politicians, what is not possible that they fix it they are rather just the opposite the negative interests. 
The money didn't appear again until he sees possibility to obtain benefits, and the problem today, it is that the private initiative, generally the motor of the capitalist economy, it is collapsed by the crisis that attacked us from the 2008 and that it has not still been overcome and to the one that have also been added problems of type social wars terrorism and everything together, it has taken to the world economies to stop and to hide, the problem is that if the capitalist and private economies don't react, it is not the solution to scare them more charging them to hide, just the opposite this agrees with them that its measure is the correct one, because the mercantile economy and of market in its healthy trial pays for that leave him money and the other way around cobra to leave it, if this is rotated completely it is that neither there is economy free of market neither it is foreseen that there is her. 
Evidently now the solution is difficult because certainly the solution is not now in changing the situation that is to say for simple law approach the BCE it could go up the interests and to reward the deposits to get paid for the loans and to reward the debt instruments, This without nothing else, would cause an effect bigger than refuge of the capital and a superior aversion to the certain risk that the economic world perceives and that the central and official banks confirm them with its irrational action. 

I believe that the solution at this time of the history it should be based on two big actions of general and public character, that is to say on the part of the states and the state politicians. The first one to finish with the uncertainty in Syria and Africa being implied if it is necessary martially it is necessary to finish with their uncertainty because it is an action strategic tendentious to destabilize the economies and western politicians. And the second action is that it is necessary to begin a reactivation of the industrial reactivity in general by means of the action and public initiative that he crawls to the investment and private industry, any private capital he will begin to invest in these moments from zero, but if he would make it if you plan projects of new infrastructures, or of investigation and development that begins with public money.   

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