miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


The main representatives of the managers and Spanish workers concluded yesterday after meeting for separated with the socialist leader that Pedro Sanchez program to form Government will suppose an ascent of taxes to finance the measures that it proposes in the social and economic environment. The president of the Spanish Confederation of Managerial Organizations (CEOE), Juan Rosell, and of Small and Medium Companies (CEPYME), Antonio Garamendi, considered that the text had "good intentions", but they tossed in lack the analysis of what costs each one of its points. 

"In the economic plane we must have the feet in the earth", Rosell said, requesting to Sánchez that sums up "what one can and what one cannot make". "The numbers have to square at the end, to complete the objective of deficit reduction and to begin to pay the debt". Garamendi said that the proposals could cost up to 60.000 million Eurus, what would have supposed to have to duplicate the tax about the added value in its opinion (IVA) or the tax on the rent (IRPF). 

The PSOE that wants to carry out a fiscal reformation that includes the tribute of the wealth, has not defended an ascent of the IRPF that is rejected by Citizens, while We Can bet to increase the fiscal pressure to the richest. 

On the other hand, the unions that valued the project sent by the socialists to the political parties to try to govern very positively, said that to reconcile the fiscal consolidation with the social rescue and the fight against the inequality it was indispensable to increase the public revenues by means of a fiscal reformation.
It is necessary to modify the IRPF, to repeal the irresponsible fiscal discount that approved in their day for 2016 the Government of the Popular Party, the general secretary of the General Union of Workers, Cándido Méndez said, after meeting with Sánchez. El general secretary of Commissions Workers, Ignacio Fernández Toxo, insisted in this same line and he said that Spain should "recover power of fiscal collection to assist the social" necessities.
Both also said that they had a more ambitious vision on deficit reduction that Sánchez's program that foreseen to agree with Brussels a more gradual path that the one foreseen at the moment to locate the deficit in the environment of 1 percent in 2019, in front of the 0,3 conventional with Brussels for 2018. "The necessity to solve the problem of the unemployment, of repair of the public services, of putting an end to the poverty, is probable that it demands even more flexibility of the deficit", Toxo said. 

Brussels has noticed that the next Spanish Government should reduce the public deficit, since his forecast is that it finishes 2015 by 4,8 percent of the GDP, in front of the objective of 4,2 percent, and in 2016 by 3,6 percent in front of 2,8 conventional percent. 
The leader of CCOO was optimistic about the possibilities that Sánchez is able to make a pact with We Can that has requested to the socialists a coalition Government that would include also to United Left, underlining the coincidences in his programs. They have "it relatively simple", he affirmed. 

It is evident that the union and managerial forces of Spain putting the bandage on a wound that guesses, are already but that it doesn't still exist, but there is no doubt that it will exist. Spain doesn't present any hope neither any reactivation plan neither economic neither industrial all other time it bases it on the collection of taxes some taxes that they will go falling for the lack of productivity and world consumption before the internal perspective and World cup we meet with a certain risk from an economic relapse to international level. 

I understand that now Spain is in some political negotiations without a concrete address but that that more I worry about it is not if Sánchez, or Iglesias, or Rajoy governed, that that more it scares me it is that in all the discussions among the political leaders none presents a program of like Spain reactivated to the maximum thing that they arrive it is to say that restructure the debt and that they will ask to lengthen the deficit limit, that is to say everything aims that the solution of the economy of Spain will be to stop to pay part of the debt and to increase the public expense (that doesn't mean social) it is what comes off of what goes filtering in the press and in the opinions of managers and unions.  

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