viernes, 24 de abril de 2015


The president of the Euro group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, it has stood out this Friday that the Spanish economy is recovering very well, but it has pointed out that Government of Mariano Rajoy should make more reformations, in particular in the labor market and the tributary system. I don't understand anything good he/she would say that if I understand it the UE he doesn't want that a new Greece is born, and therefore he has decided two performances as the one of presenting to Spain like example of good application and effectiveness of the measures that he forces him to complete the UE, and however if this was he would not make this way an and another time request to Spain more you reform as much in the labor thing as in the tributary aspects. 

The reality is that Spain makes what can but against but he makes more he gets in debt and it falsifies this way the execution of the deficit, because the reality is that this not gets it for the improvement of the productivity and of the GDP but because it increases more and more its sovereign debt. The main problem of Spain is identified with the excessive unemployment it is second o'clock behind Greece in this aspect but this is not this way. 

The unemployment is not the problem of Spain, the unemployment it is the consequence of the problem of Spain, that is not another that the lack of a productive structure, this it is the problem they can already tell us what they want from the UE it is useless, it is the more they press in a sense erroneous more problem they created, because the government today it falsifies the statistics to make see that it fixes the problem "the unemployment" but this is not true, every time there is more unemployment on the whole. 

It is necessary to consider that the no alone unemployment is a great quantity of people without work they are also it those that alone they work half day and that they don't count but in fact they are half stopped or not, it is also necessary to count those that work six months and then they are other six months hoping again the new season arrives and those that work self-employed for less benefits than a salary base that of these there are many thousands and they also make them invest in trucks of allotments, or in tools to make the work that before made from the insole of a company.   

That the Spanish economy is recovering Spain of course he has already made many reformations, but I believe that it can be made more, Dijsselbloem has affirmed to its arrival to the informal meeting of minister of Economy of the euro zona. The questions are known: the labor market, you reform fiscal, etc. But the Government is working in it, so I will listen the minister of Economy, Luis of Guindos. Also, the Euro group will examine this Friday the report elaborated by the inspectors of the Commission and of the European Central Bank soon after its third control visit to Madrid - that had place between the 12 and March 18 - after the end of the bank rescue for the one that Spain received 41.300 million of its European partners. 

In this report, the inspectors warn that, in spite of the turn to the growth, significant "imbalances persist in the Spanish" economy, in particular the unemployment and the high debt, and they request to the Government that adopts additional measures to reduce the duality in the labor market and that it accelerates other reformations as the law to liberalize the professional services. It seems that these if they have realized for where the shots go. In the preparatory meetings of the Euro group the good evolution of Spain, the significant increase of the competitiveness, the recovery of the financial sector has been verified and that the rates of growth seem very positive. 

But here it demonstrates again that who make the alone reports they are economists because there is not any mention to the production and the negative commercial scale of Spain where it has been unbalanced the import of team goods very much in front of the export of Spanish products another certain sample that in Spain there is not industry and when they speak of productivity they don't refer to a bigger production of anything, but rather to what Spain takes place it is cheaper because every time they are paid less in wages. 

But at the end the only thing that the European technicians care it comes out. The conclusion is that the financial rescue and the decisions of economic politics of the Government of Rajoy have contributed very significantly to this positive panorama, according to the consulted sources, the main message for the authorities of the euro group concludes that it doesn't exist any risk that Spain doesn't return the 38.500 million Eurus that he has left pending of the bank rescue. The Government already reimbursed in advance last year 1.300 million Eurus and another tract of 1.500 million in March.  

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