martes, 21 de abril de 2015


The Greek Government published today an ordinance that he forces to the public entities to transfer his reservations cash to the Bank of Greece so that the State can make in front of its problems of liquidity. Government Fuentes said that it is an instrument used in several countries of the European Union. Concretely it is the denominated repurchase operations (repos) that allow to the State to request funds lent by a maximum period of 15 days to public organisms. 

The state companies transfer the funds to the Bank of Greece and later on the State returns them to the effective interest of the Greek entity. The mentioned government sources emphasized that the public entities can place this way their reservations to a more lucrative interest, because the Bank of Greece offers a yield of 2,5%, in front of 1% of the commercial banking. 

Evidently this is the principle of the end of the capitalist freedom and in turn the principle of the communist socialist economy. I have already noticed it in several previous articles the socialist politicians of Syriza like it will be it the one of we Can they rest in the theory that the state is the first thing and that the society is due to him and not the other way around the goods of private domain passed that is to say little by little to depend on the government that very believed of that he makes, he will say that it is to distribute them among all, the problem is the deceit that this means in the reality and I explain to them because. 

The government like now he says that he will make it is to seize the spare funds of box of the companies of the poor Greek economy with the false proposal of a bigger interest this is a falsehood because the state doesn't produce wealth and therefore he/she cannot pay interests the alone state it produces expenses so what is reality it happens it is that when you must deposit your surpluses of liquidity to the state the companies they stop to have surpluses it hides them or they are simply stopped to create them because they know that to give them is the same thing that to lose them.  

You cannot compare like the Greek government says this action that is to say with the "repos" the liquidity of box of an entity it deposits it in a commercial bank to a low certain interest for not having it inactive in box this is a perfectly clear business and of long journey for the commercial banking because she uses it in the same way in loans daily inter banking with higher interests that the one that the original depositor will receive. But it is operative the state cannot make it, the government stayed the money and it used it in paying wages pensions and debt, this is the only thing that produces the state Greek today in day. 

Of the ordinance they are excluded explicitly the funds of pensions and some state companies. Clearing is excluded because the organisms are been already in the bottom and form they are Also excluded that need its reservations cash for immediate payments. The ordinance has a retroactive effect of March 17, it dates in that were carried out the first operations of this type with those that the Government of Alexis Tsipras is confronting the immediate problems of liquidity. 

Among the entities that they have lent money it already figures the Meter of Athens, with 150 million Eurus, the prefecture of Ática that transferred 110 million or the Agency of Employment that he lent to the State 80 million. At the moment alone Greece consents to funds through the urgent mechanism of liquidity of the European Central Bank. In May, the country should return a tract of the loan of the International Monetary Fund for value of 747 million Eurus, besides making in front of the payment of wages and pensions that monthly ascend something more than 1.000 million Eurus. 

This is the communist social system the only one that today in day with the restrictive mentality of the UE and the numerous swindles and lies of the Greek politics is to make the country it is completely outside of the capitalist logic because its situation is of real crash because it is not that he doesn't pay its commitments it is that it is forced to take debt more and more to pay debt, this is the hairspring of a country deindustrialized of a country that doesn't generate internal wealth that its deficit is negative that its capital has left to the exterior. 

This should make us to the Spaniards to open the eyes and to control our government's null industrial politics a lot companies they are not believed in Spain there are not investments alone it is spoken of services tourism and High unnecessary Speed the companies that take place in our territory most the benefits they are taken it was because they are multinational and the national ones are taken the production it was because here there are not investments because you are believed that in the space of two weeks the most important managers in Spain that group in the forum (Aero Bridge Madrid Barcelona) they have met in Barcelona with Luis Of Guindos and this week they will make it in Madrid with Rajoy. 

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