sábado, 25 de abril de 2015


Greece begins to complicate the economic game and the politician of the euro area, up to now this country like Spain Italy or Portugal for example, they have been limited to be the poor toys of the euro area, they have been limited to make what they have told them that they made. These last three month the things change in the summit of the UE, today there is above the table two big problems one economic and another politician, both are commanded and taken place in short by the same nation Greece. 

The European Union, commanded by the German government, accompanied by its Central European allies, has to decide how it solves the economic one first and if it doesn't get it, like it will solve that is to say the second the politician, to my way of seeing, much more dangerous that to approach the Greek economic problem. The UE has for the first time to combine economy and politics this time it cannot be alone in taking measures to negotiate the misery, so much of Greece as of the countries of the south of the UE it is evident that in the current situation, the UE cannot make more because now it is necessary to wait that they give the measures for the reactivation the re equilibrium and the productivity of the economy in the European Union rushed by the BCE. 

The problem is that although the desperate situation of Greece regarding the euro and to the euro area, from the economic point of view they don't worry, if they worry and a lot from the political point of view and this is it he still makes more difficult to find a pact solution between the UE and Greece, the situation is like it continues: if the euro area gives that is to say to the Greek pretenses to the economic politics of Syriza, he will be giving for bad its politics of cuttings and austerity imposed up to now, then what will happen is that trying to save Greece, they jumped to pieces the conservative and liberal politicians from Spain Italy and Portugal to become all them in countries of a clearing and unmistakable air “neo communist" that somewhere around Syriza goes and “Podemos”.  

It is evident that in the directive structures of the European Community, there are not political bases, their committees, commissions and presidencies, as well as the members of the community advice, are eminently agents dedicated to the economic, commercial administration and regulators of activities, and subsidize, but that they don't have any representation, knowledge, by no means being able to political some. This situation is shown now ineffective to solve the problems of the area euro, because the problem of Greece is like he/she said political and economic double. 

This reality like I say, it takes us in these moments to confuse the things and the roads to continue to solve an economic and social reality as the Greek, with the political and economic ideas of the area euro. As we know the European commission he cannot enter in other attributions, single taking measured proofreaders of economic type, doesn't think neither in consequences neither in derived social repercussions of its guidelines, the European commission is directed in these moments by a bank, and for a partner Germany that is to years light of the reality of several of the partners that they are part of the club of the euro, and that they present before the European Union some countries full with totally afraid societies before the inefficacy of its governments, of its Union and of its economy.  

Before the fiasco of the economies of the South of Europe, and that he/she already extends to the central Europe (France) the community has not stopped in to study which has been able to be the reason of the why it has passed this phenomenon so similar and of effects so catastrophic, in its four outlying countries and that they are also peninsulas the four, that is to say appendixes a so much taken down of the centrality included physics and geographical continental. Problems that affect to 40% of the population of the community and of their general economy, it would be worthwhile to lose some time to analyze the question because it cannot be so much similarity a casual effect.  

The community reaction gives the sensation of being astonished and surpassed by the Greek phenomenon and he doesn't know how to react and it continues with the theory, of the threat, abandonments and bad expensive, and we don't know how to react because one doesn't want that the political effect that he has brought the problem to the door of the commission and he/she has said it is enough here we don't continue, it is the authentic problem for the euro area, because I repeat, if they fix it with concessions they will be for all, but it is this way, all the countries on the edge of the misery will put to the front of their governments their shift Syriza. 

The European Union that has been since the Euro was born, in hands of an economic and financial, located center and based on the central structure of the richest country in Europe Germany, the guidelines that have left from this economic central nucleus, were not applicable to economies of another nature, much less productive and with limited resources, as they were it and they are, the economies of the four countries in risk, for that reason it is explained that such a similar situation repeats in four nations and that its great point in common, is that they are far from the center of the taking of decision of the European economic community. 

Independently of this reality, but with resemblance reason of original base, in two of the outlying countries, he has also taken place the disaster of their internal political administration, their rulers have been some authentic humbugs that have thought more of them that in their political duty, hiding realities and using the power as lid, or springboard for other activities not so in agreement with the responsibilities of a politician, these circumstances neither have loved each other to detect from the European centrality, because it was a political matter that didn't affect them but now this can change. 

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