jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


Very in spite of the holders of the "ABC" and other national newspapers whose mission is to deceive to the society The unemployment rate in Spain it continues ascending, between January and March of 2015, its second turnaround is completed quarterly serial, the case is very serious because it is not that there is stopped numerically I relent it is that there is less employment what is much worse because this causes a strong descent of the occupation in the private sector in the first months of the year, since although wants the selfsame Rajoy he could not put to work to anybody if there are not work positions. 

According to presented data on Thursday for the National Institute of Statistic, the unemployment rate ascended in the first trimester in seven hundredth to the active population's 23,78 percent. In the previous trimester it had ascended in three hundredth. Nevertheless, in front of the first trimester of 2014, the unemployment rate has descended 2,15 points, it highlighted the statistic organism on the last data of Active Population's Survey (EPA). The number of stopped registered a descent of 13.100 people up to 5.444.600 unemployed in the trimester.  

The case is that the unemployment decreases because they reduce the active population I don't know very well as they make it because it is not that they reduce it because they pass of active had placed, it is not so they pass of active to missing in these statistics, they hide active that carry out courses that have left to the foreigner that they have spent to the "unemployment of autonomous" already despaired by not to find work and not to have subsidy some in short it is an authentic one it breaks heads but the certain thing is that every time there are more unemployed in Spain.  

The fact is bad, very bad because if it is certain as it seems that the economy is growing this fact he is not reflected nothing else that in numbers on the papers of the Mystery of Economy, (it is not a misprint that of mystery) it is that it is it, because the hidden thing and it hides everything, to the UE it outlines some incredible numbers to the Spaniards also and clear at the end as much the UE as the Spaniards realize that this doesn't square. Because the economy doesn't leave to grow neither in the street, neither in the companies because it was this way the busy population it would ascend without the active one lowers and then if the unemployment would really lower.  

The occupation lowered in the first trimester of 2015 in 114.300 up to the 17.454.800 busy. In the private sector they got lost 143.500 positions while in the public sector there were 29.200 recruiting’s. In terms non-annualized, the data of the EPA give an image something more good of the situation, with a slight employment creation in the first trimester, although still insufficient having in all the high unemployment level. The discharge appraises of Spanish unemployment - among the highest in the European Union - it is the biggest exponent in the deep economic pothole that Spain crosses from 2008. 

And the explanation to all this is not another that the null promotional action of industry creation on the part of the government of the PP and of the own companies subsistent in Spain that they are limited to maintain more and more low its activity and at the same time lower the salaries of the Spaniards, to maintain a balance of sustainable benefit while the great business makes it with contracts in the exterior here to the state he gives him same because the thing is that to the state what interests him is the quantitative investment that provides him an it improves in the economic scale but notice you that what the foreign investors invest in Spain today is not in creation of companies but in active real estate of all type. 

This way the government says that Spain reduces deficit its numbers of commercial scale they improve its GDP it grows to 2% and this is certain, but all this stays in the Bank of Spain because nobody comes to Spain to put factories of televisions of motorcycles of automobiles of wireless telephones etc. I don't know if I explain to myself well, but I eat example we have it today when he announces himself that a Chinese sovereign found is negotiating the purchase of the service of distribution of gas of Madrid. 

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