lunes, 27 de junio de 2011


The European Union is working in a contingency plan in case the Greek Parliament rejects the program of austerity that is debating, what would impede that he received the following tract of help, as it publishes today Reuters mentioning to three sources of the Euro zone. Axel Weber breaks its silence: it is necessary to guarantee the debt of Greece the German financial newspaper Financial Times Deutschland it also published this morning that one is working in this address. 


The agency assures that several weeks they are taken negotiating different options so that Greece doesn't make default and have liquidity in case he doesn't receive the following tract of 12.000 millions of Eurus of the first rescue plan. Also, measures are evaluating to avoid the infection risk to countries like Ireland, Portugal and Spain and the impact that this would have in the European financial system, mainly in the French and German banks. 


The plan in which one is working search to involve to the private sector in the second rescue that Greece needs. In spite of that said by diverse European authorities as Muddy Durao or Juncker, Europe yes that B is working in a plan for Greece. He has been working in the contingency plan during some time, "several weeks", they point out the same sources. "In this type of situations, it cannot allow himself the luxury of not thinking of what will happen", they assure. 


That plan B, neither C, neither he swims there is nothing to do, Europe is committing suicide and it is already weary to speak of the same day yes and day also, the attachment of the politicians to the power is already so apparent that it is clear that they go against current of the opinion of all the societies of the European Nations, in a white and firm disunion between politics and society, they are getting that Germany begins to give fear, a lot of fear, the German society won't tolerate that happens another time what I pass June 28 1919 between the allies and Germany. That treaty produced great bitterness and deception, among the Germans, and it was the initial seed for the next world conflict, with that treaty it was also created the Society of Nations that coincidences truth.


Representatives of almost a hundred of German family companies criticizes today in an open letter, to the chancellor's Government Angela Merkel for its "irresponsible" and "disastrous" performance when supporting the mechanism of European rescue. These managers that use about 200.000 workers in total and they generate about 38.000 million Eurus a year, they demand to the federal Executive that puts "an end to the irresponsible politics of the debt" that, in their opinion, it foments that the outlying states of the area of the euro continue getting in debt, these they are the real feelings of the German society.

Germany cannot continue always paying the broken plates of Europe, it is evident that something doesn't work in our continent, and being plentiful in what I wrote some days ago, the problem resides in the inequality of the own nations of Europe, the union settles in four pillars that represent more than 52% of the demographic and economic composition of the European union, and these pillars Germany, France, Italy, and Spain while they maintain its own native identity, they are irreconcilable.     


"The federal Government has taken a disastrous road with his politics of the mechanism of rescue of the Euro", Brun-hagen assured Hennerkes, president of the Foundation of Family Companies, in the official statement, denominated "The declaration of Berlin to the crisis of the Euro". "The monetary union has become an union of transfers", he added.  In their opinion, Germany should try to change the treaties of the economic union so that "the exit and the expulsion" of the euro should be possible". The letter denotes the growing euro skepticism of Germany soon after the crisis of the euro, a patent tendency at different social and economic levels. A published survey this Sunday it aimed that 71 percent of the Germans has "little", "scarce" or "any" trust in the euro, according to the institute demoscópico Allensbach. 

Greece has to make in front of ridiculous debt expirations (12.800 million Eurus) of 2.400 million Eurus July 15 and of more than 2.000 millions one week later. In August, the quantity rises to 8.400 millions. If Greece cannot make in front of these payments the first crash he would take place since born the Euro zone in 1999. While the country says that it could be able to confront the expirations of July, there won't be enough money to make it in August, like it can be a problem 8.400 million Eurus in one it authenticates European Union it is clear the problem is the own European Union that doesn't have already anything of union. 


The voting in the Parliament on the package of expense cuttings and ascent of having imposed by value of 28.000 million Eurus will take place this Wednesday June 29 and the deputies will vote on Thursday a bill that will contain specific measures to implement it. If the program doesn't come out ahead in the Parliament that won't leave, the UE he won't have more remedy than to unite to the IMF when refusing to pay the payment of 12.000 million Eurus,   


It is impossible to act one cannot make this way it worse on one hand to Germany he is requested that he pays the Germans they ask him to allow to fall to grace and but, France is trying to put hot cloths but without being able to solve anything, Italy is already with the PIGS and Spain doesn't understand each other neither with herself. This way the things that he can make an entelechy that calls you European Union, because that to opt for the plan C of Collapse.

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